Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Tail Is Buzzing

Ema Nymton said...


"Ema Shakes Her Tail" and you soil yourself.


Consequences. You call for actions that have consequences.

The extreme nature of of your unnatural fear of Islam has caused you completely to come off the rails of rationality. There can be no middle ground. You clearly state your goal is to 'eliminate' Islam and to force followers to convert or die.

Please talk us through your final solution for the Islamic question. Currently over a billion people call themselves followers of Islam.

So how do you propose carrying out the extermination of Islam? Who will do the work for you? How will you be able to tell if a Muslim is a true convert?

The world has been here before.

"In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me —
and by that time no one was left to speak up." - Pastor Martin Niemöller

Aggression is the difference between Ben's side and them??! Ha ha ha.

Ben really is 'out there.' Let us all hope he stays there


  • Consequences. You call for actions that have consequences.
    • Failure to defend against lethal attacks has consequences. Consider the plight of occupied France in WW2. Consider what happened to The Jewish settlements in the Hijaz. Lets not forget the 90 million Hindus slaughtered by Muslims.
  • The extreme nature of of your unnatural fear of Islam has caused you completely to come off the rails of rationality. There can be no middle ground. You clearly state your goal is to 'eliminate' Islam and to force followers to convert or die.
    • Why are you unable to discern the difference between aggressor and victim? Islam declared war; global and perpetual. "fight them until only Allah is worshiped" . Is there some part of that you can't comprehend? What did they do to Danny Pearl? What did they do to Nick Berg? What did they do to 300 children at Beslan. Islam is a parasite and a predator; we can not afford to ignore it. Coexistence is impossible. Either liberty goes or Islam goes. I'll keep liberty!
  • Please talk us through your final solution for the Islamic question. Currently over a billion people call themselves followers of Islam.
    • The majority of those slaves of Allah are in their predicament because their ancestors were forcefully converted. Many of them are unaware of the full extent of evil contained in Islam's canon of scripture, tradition & jurisprudence. Those who retain a reasonable vestige of morality can be induced to apostasize if the following conditions are met.
      • Factual information about Moe, his doctrines & actions is presented to them in a form they can absorb.
      • The scale & intensity of mass apostasy quickly reaches a critical mass so that Islam's enforcement system breaks down: too many apostates to kill.
      • Follow up: further information & reinforcement are provided through satellite t.v. broadcasts for the long term.
    • Inducing mass apostasy requires skillful use of mass media: beginning with a full length feature documentary exposing Moe as a murdering pirate, pederast & lecher. The purpose of the Expose Islam on Film Petition is to build interest in and demand for such a documentary. Well scripted, produced and distributed on a global scale, the effect could be overwhelming.
    • Those Muslims who are true believers and have lost their souls must be ushered into Hell. There is no acceptable alternative.
  • So how do you propose carrying out the extermination of Islam?
    • The first step is to terminate the Islamification process. Get the Muslims out of Western Civilization and close all their institutions. That will severely limit 'reversion', particularly in the prison system.
    • The second step is the induction of mass apostasy.
    • The third step is ushering the true believing zombies into Hell.
      • Swift, severe, disproportionate retaliation for all acts of terrorism.
      • Killing their leadership
      • Bombing and strafing their funeral processions, riots & demonstrations.
        • Bombing and strafing the resulting funeral processions, riots & demonstrations.
          • ... until there is complete peace and quiet; no more terror attacks, riots or demonstrations.
      • Israel wasted her greatest opportunity when they offed Yassin. They should have taken out the funeral procession!!!
  • Who will do the work for you?
    • The military action must be performed by the authorized armed services of civilized nations. At present, no nation has the requisite common sense.
    • The agitprop activity could be performed by a mix of governmental and non governmental private organizations. At present, our government won't perform; it is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
  • How will you be able to tell if a Muslim is a true convert?
    • As a practical matter, that is not possible. The only hope is that they'll "fake it 'till they make it".
  • The world has been here before.
    • Your analogy is false on its face. The ancient blood libels against Jews are calumny, not reality. Hitler was exploiting greed, envy, hubris & prejudice for political purposes. There is relevant, verifiable evidence to prove the fact that Islam is a mercenary & martial institution; a parasite & predator. I have previously posted sufficient evidence to convince any rational person and provided links to my sources for further inquiry. Hitler and Islam have something in common: scapegoating & genocidal intentions toward the Jews.
Moe began with razzia against camel caravans returning to Mekkah with the proceeds of trade missions. He used the loot to attract men to his army until he was able to conquer the local Jewish settlements, then he conquered Mekkah. He expanded his empire in an ever widening circle.

That pattern was continued by the rightly guided Caliphs so that Islam's empire extended from the border of China to the border of France. But for hard won victories at Lepanto, Po tiers and Vienna, Western Europe would have fallen to the Ottoman Empire as Constantinople did.

Moe's rabble rousing rants were enshrined in the Qur'an and given the status of holy writ. His battlefield exploits became Sunnah: an excellent example to emulate through oral tradition. Islamic law is compiled from those two sources and the consensus of the Ulema. I have shown you enough of Reliance of the Traveller to convince any sentient person.


Ema Nymton said...


Why sertainly.

Moe, was he the one with the hair? Of the "Three Stooges," I must say I liked Curly the best. Got admit, the slap-stick humor was the funny. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

"Hey Knuckleheads, come here..."

Maybe you need to go back and re-read your history. Every action you advocate, killing, converting and propaganda was tried against the Jews and subhuman types before.

"... The first step is to terminate the Islamification process. Get the Muslims out of Western Civilization and close all their institutions." - Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany September 1935 (change the word Islam for Jew).

"... That will severely limit 'reversion', particularly in the prison system. The second step is the induction of mass apostasy. The third step is ushering the true believing zombies into Hell. Swift, severe, disproportionate retaliation for all acts of terrorism. Killing their leadership. Bombing and strafing their funeral processions, riots & demonstrations. Bombing and strafing the resulting funeral processions, riots & demonstrations.... until there is complete peace and quiet; no more terror attacks, riots or demonstrations. ..."
The occupied lands of the 'Third Reich' faced all these terrors too.

"... The military action must be performed by the authorized armed services of civilized nations. At present, no nation has the requisite common sense.The agitprop activity could be performed by a mix of governmental and non governmental private organizations. ..."
The Nazi called them 'einsatzkommando'.

You can call for the use of Nazi 'einsatzkommando' of ?civilized? nations?!? What part of the world do you live?

Your criminal bestiality is so off the chart, it is hard to take you seriously. You are calling for the killing of people!!! Kill. Kill. Kill.

The extreme nature of of your unnatural fear of Islam has caused you completely to come off the rails of rationality.

You want to kill me and my family. For what? Liberty? Peace?


wo wo wo nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.


RightHooks said...

Ben, very good defense of truth and right.

It looks like Ema has been reduced to a Three-Stooges-watching simpering idiot....

Ema, get it straight...ISLAM HAS DECLARED WAR ON THE WORLD. And guess what, war they want, war they will get because we will stand against the wickedness. Which sort of puts a damper in your Islamic desires to conquer the world, now, doesn't it?

Ema Nymton said...



Speaking of "simpering idiot", what are you and Ben are smoking and snorting?

_You_ call for the sweeping mass-killings of people because, in your fantasy world, 'some one' made an evil statement. Then you take no responsibility for your shrill screams for butchery of innocent persons.

"... puts a damper in your Islamic desires to conquer the world, ..." Say what?
Excuse me? Putze, when did I say I wanted any part of you, Ben, and your sick, loathsome, garbage world?? Your criminal bestiality is so off the chart, it is hard to take you seriously. It makes me ashamed to think of you and Ben can call yourselves citizens of USA.


Ben said...

Morons have a way of exposing themselves. Ema's most recent comment in this thread is exemplary.

The 'someone' who made an 'evil statement' claimed to be spokesman for the Almighty Creator. He claimed to have a direct pipeline to 'the god' and to speak 'his word'.

The 'evil statement' was a long series of evil statements, many of which were imperatives. Those included imperatives to unlimited conquest, genocide & terrorism.

Those imperatives are enshrined in Islamic scripture, as Allah's perfected, immutable word. They are codified in Shari'ah as Islamic law. They are exemplified in Moe's Sira & Sunnah.

I only lifted the lid from the septic tank and showed you the contents of Islam.

If vampires were real instead of fictional, reasonable people would demand their extinction because they kill, and by killing, make more killers.

Islam kills, rapes, pillages, plunders and enslaves. Those it enslaves become killers who perpetuate the war cult. That is why the existence of Islam must be terminated. There is no other way to make and maintain peace.

Ema Nymton said...



Got to say Ben, if you ain't a wit, you are a half of one.

As much time as a cretin like you spend trying to find ways to say Islam is "a long series of evil statements, many of which were imperatives. Those included imperatives to unlimited conquest, genocide & terrorism" - may I suggest you spend a little time to go through your 'Old Testament' and show the differences between Islam and the five books of the law - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?

Does not the 'Old Testament' encourage believers to "... kills, rapes, pillages, plunders and enslaves. Those it enslaves become killers who perpetuate the war cult. ..." against non-believers (you know the people who lived in Canaan and other places _before_ Moses and the Jews came.)

Speaking of Moses, didn't he "claimed to be spokesman for the Almighty Creator. He claimed to have a direct pipeline to 'the god' and to speak 'his word'.

Is there any incident you the imbecile, claim Islam calls for that did not happen first in the 'Old Testament' of your bible? So what does this mean? Are not Judaism and Christianity 'war cults' too?

Or do you the ignoramus have another convenient excuse?
