Friday, January 9, 2009

Islam: War Cult Revisited

#2466 "Islam: War Cult"

@ Dajjal (The Deceiver) - [the greatest evil (fitnah) to appear on earth since the serpent of Eden]

I read your chancy reply to my comment on the previous occasion [] and looking around your blog... i realised what you are. The name goes just too well with you. Anyways I would not want to argue with you. Allah states that Deaf, dumb and blind (spiritually), will not return (To the path).

Some of the quotes that you have put in are not from authentic source and most of them are just cut pasted blindly without knowing the interpretation and meaning correctly. Over the internet and other media, and prints, people like you have interpreted the teachings of Islam (Quran, Hadith) in their own words. Non-believers have written what not. But the authentic Quran is and will always be there in the hearts of its believers till the end of time. Non-beleivers attempt to revise, it like the Bible and other scriptures will never suceed. Quran is the only religious scripture that still and will always exist in its original form. It is the WORD of God. I dont know how people who had never ever learnt islam in true sense can comment on it. Quoting a line from a verse presents it in an ambiguous form. The context has to be understood. Just picking a line and cribbing on it is unfair.

ISLAM is a great religion - it represents the final word of God- it is a matter of individual conscience whether you accept or reject it at an existential level- one man could not be defeated over a period of 23 years -despite attempts at assasination- there are now 1.3 billion muslims and fourteen centuries of history-god will defend his own faith. Do whatever, do not abuse and try to malign someone whose teaching you could not understand. You can call Islam what ever you want to because no one can stop you but just think when you are going to die where will you go. What will happen with you. Do u think after writting alot or speaking alot can make a differance between MUSLIMS and NONMUSLIMS. I dont think so. Just think once, if you think you are right and MUSLIMS are wrong then what will happen. What if it is the other way round.. and it is by all means. We all will be taken to the LORD and we all will find out who was right and who was wrong.

Islam is a religion of peace and understanding and anyone who has studied the religion would know. The devil can cite scripture for his own purpose. Muslims believe that christians and jews are also people of the book. Islam is a great religion. If you can remember the christians slaughtered muslim women and children after taking jerusalem, the muslims let them all live in peace. learn and read. ... learn before you speak, not the other way around. There is no god but GOD - really thats all that matters is the aknowlegment of this fact.

Islam is terrorism for you?? Anyone can use evidence to make the case for terrorism. Every race, religion, and even gender can be called a terrorist, but for who’s benefit. The person screaming in fear is the victim. The person screaming grabs all the attention. The person screaming sets the direction of the investigation. Scream loud enough in the right direction and the investigators never look back to the source of the scream. People have been trying to kill since the beginning of time. We’ve only been labeling them as terrorists since 9-11. Muslims don’t have a monopoly on murder and mayhem. Who benefits from the fear? A fair investigation is necessary to determine the source of our fear.

Hope God will put some sense to you and your people around. I will pray that from Dajjal the deceiver you turn into Dajjal the believer. Ameen!
  • Some of the quotes that you have put in are not from authentic source and most of them are just cut pasted blindly without knowing the interpretation and meaning correctly
    • I generally quote from the Hilali & Khan translation of the Qur'an and link to a table of ten parallel translations at so that the reader can compare the translations and see that the meanings are the same though the words vary. Anyone who can read these posts can follow the links and easily access the context through prominent links on the quran browser site.
    • Allah's commands are contained in clear verses. Ibn Kathir confirms their meanings in his tafsir. Those commands are the most important part of the case I make against Moe's Murder Cult. Your accusation lacks the requisite specificity, try to provide some concrete examples..
  • Over the internet and other media, and prints, people like you have interpreted the teachings of Islam (Quran, Hadith) in their own words. Non-believers have written what not. But the authentic Quran is and will always be there in the hearts of its believers till the end of time. 
    • There is no need for interpretation of the verses I quote. Their meanings are clear on the face of the text, confirmed by tafsir and hadith. The most important of them, 8:39 & 9:29, are confirmed by tafsir, hadith and Shari'ah. In the present instance, I quoted and linked to the ayat & hadith, linked to the tafsir and quoted Shari'ah, which form a congruent pattern which is verified by the cited tafsir, whose titles alone should be convincing to the objective reader.
  • But the authentic Quran is and will always be there in the hearts of its believers till the end of time. Non-beleivers attempt to revise, it like the Bible and other scriptures will never suceed.
    • Craig Winn synthesized several translations in The Prophet of Doom; I see no need to do so. Several gentlemen who grew up in Arabic cultures and studied the Qur'an in the Arabic language confirmed the relative accuracy of the Hilali & Khan translation. Moe had good reason for his prohibition on carrying the Qur'an into Dar al-Harb.
  • Quran is the only religious scripture that still and will always exist in its original form. It is the WORD of God. I dont know how people who had never ever learnt islam in true sense can comment on it. Quoting a line from a verse presents it in an ambiguous form. The context has to be understood. Just picking a line and cribbing on it is unfair.
    • You accuse me of something I did not do. In the present instance, I quoted the entire verse and provided a link to parallel translations and to Ibn Kathir's Tafsir which displays both the Arabic and the English translation. As a rule, I only truncate a verse when the context is not vital to the discussion and In those cases, I always provide a link. Is not the true sense of Islam that which Moe practiced, as revealed in the Sira & Sunnah? When Allah said "fight them/those who until" and Moe said "I am commanded to fight" & was quoted by Caliph Umar and his general, the meaning is obvious, just as it appears in Reliance of the Traveller.
    • Have you obtained Allah's original copy, to compare with the modern Arabic version? Can you read and comprehend the classical Arabic without diacritical marks? Even Moe did not always recite it consistently.
    • The only evidence of the Qur'an being Allah's word, and of Allah being God, is the Qur'an; a prime example of circular argument. What proof can be provided for the assertions? There can be no real doubt that Moe recited situational scripture, which was confirmed by his child bride.
  • ISLAM is a great religion - it represents the final word of God- it is a matter of individual conscience whether you accept or reject it at an existential level- one man could not be defeated over a period of 23 years -despite attempts at assasination- there are now 1.3 billion muslims and fourteen centuries of history-god will defend his own faith.
    • What is so great about Islam except great slaughter? Argumentum ad numerum cuts no mustard. Moe's "rightly guided" Caliphs conquered many people and forcibly converted them in regions with a large population base and high birth rate. With modern medicine, as survival rates increased, the populations expanded rapidly.
    • We have nothing but Moe's assertion to prove that he was a prophet, revealing Allah's word. There is no objective evidence to prove his claims, they are matters of faith, not proof.
    • According to Allah, acceptance or rejection of Islam is a matter of predestination [36:7-10].
  • Do whatever, do not abuse and try to malign someone whose teaching you could not understand. 
    • Anyone able to comprehend the written word can understand it, it is a clear book, by its own description.
    • According to the traditions recorded by Bukhari, Moe suborned murder, explicitly endorsed rape, and permitted wife beating, though he personally disapproved of the practice. He also married the six year old daughter of his best friend. He had Kinana tortured to death, then added his widow to his harem. An all around nice guy by any standards.
  • You can call Islam what ever you want to because no one can stop you but just think when you are going to die where will you go. What will happen with you. 
  • Do u think after writting alot or speaking alot can make a differance between MUSLIMS and NONMUSLIMS. I dont think so.
    • A rapidly growing cadre of Americans and Western Europeans are wising up to Islam, and we are organizing. Act For America has about 40,000 members and a powerful spokeswoman who grew up during the Lebanese war and nearly lost her life in it. I have several blogs, one of them drawing many hits to its resources post , where people from all over the world are clicking through to download the Qur'an & hadith in many languages and formats. Many Muslims, upon reading the Qur'an & hadith for the first time, discover the truth and apostatize.
  • Just think once, if you think you are right and MUSLIMS are wrong then what will happen. What if it is the other way round.. and it is by all means. We all will be taken to the LORD and we all will find out who was right and who was wrong.
    • We could all be wrong; and come to a dead end. If I am right and you are in error, many Muslims will be cast into Hellfire for the rapes and murders they committed in Allah's name.
  • Islam is a religion of peace and understanding and anyone who has studied the religion would know.
  • The devil can cite scripture for his own purpose. 
    • Exactly what Moe did, what a coincidence.
  • Muslims believe that christians and jews are also people of the book. Islam is a great religion. If you can remember the christians slaughtered muslim women and children after taking jerusalem, the muslims let them all live in peace. learn and read. ... learn before you speak, not the other way around. There is no god but GOD - really thats all that matters is the aknowlegment of this fact.
  • Islam is terrorism for you?? Anyone can use evidence to make the case for terrorism. Every race, religion, and even gender can be called a terrorist, but for who’s benefit.
    • Allah sanctified terrorism in 3:151 & 8:12, commanding preparation for it in 8:60 and putting it into practice in 33:26 & 59:2. Moe bragged about it in Bukhari 1.7.331 & 4.52.220. Moe did it for his own benefit; to soften up his victims so that they would be unable to defend themselves effectively.
  • The person screaming in fear is the victim. The person screaming grabs all the attention. The person screaming sets the direction of the investigation. Scream loud enough in the right direction and the investigators never look back to the source of the scream.
    • Can you hear the echoes of the bereaved mothers at Beslan? Can you smell the smoke and choking dust; hear the screams & groans as the towers collapsed?
  • People have been trying to kill since the beginning of time. We’ve only been labeling them as terrorists since 9-11. Muslims don’t have a monopoly on murder and mayhem. Who benefits from the fear? A fair investigation is necessary to determine the source of our fear.
    • Moe turned casting terror into a science. He was the master of terrifying prospective victims, building a well deserved reputation for brutal barbarism. The barrages of rocket attacks upon Israel are intended to make normal life impossible, to disrupt society and terrify individuals. The subway bombings in London & Madrid were designed to induce paranoia. Killing & terrorizing people; waging war against them are not proper roles of Prophets and religions, which are supposed to be benign, not malignant.


RightHooks said...

Powerful post. Very good posits to another deluded Muslim brainwash victim.

Ema Nymton said...


