Social Justice As Foreign Policy
President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly believe that the key to world peace is an international welfare state to equalize wealth distribution worldwide.
Thomas E. Brewton
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Both the President and his Secretary of State are on record as believing that the key to world peace and the end of Islamic jihad is to buy-off the enemy with welfare benefits, funded by American taxpayers. Given the current state of the economy and the Federal government’s massive deficits, this may be unrealistic.
Theirs is an approach based on social justice, the liberal-progressive hypothesis that institutions supporting private property rights foster unfair accumulation of wealth in the hands of greedy capitalists, leading to social discontent. Redistributing wealth, in liberal-progressive doctrine, removes incentives to aggression, crime, and war. As Hillary Clinton said in her primary campaign for the presidency, she intended to take more wealth, via higher taxes, from some people and put it to better social purposes.
On the Commentary Magazine website Arthur Herman writes:
America’s other important foreign-policy goal, Obama wrote [in a Foreign Affairs essay], was reducing global poverty: the root cause, in his view, of terrorism and political extremism around the world. By “sharing more of our riches to help those most in need,” by building up the social and economic “pillars of a just society” both at home and abroad, America could bring security and stability to the entire world—if, he added, the task were undertaken “not in the spirit of a patron but in the spirit of a partner—a partner mindful of his own imperfections.”
In short, instead of being the world’s swaggering policeman, America would become the world’s self-effacing social worker. The sentiment is hardly unique to Obama; it was a point of virtually unanimous agreement among those competing with him for the Democratic nomination. Specifically, it was the view of Hillary Clinton, his arch-rival and now his nominee as Secretary of State. In her own Foreign Affairs article (November-December 2007), she, too, blasted the Bush administration for its “unprecedented course of unilateralism,” which had “squandered the respect, trust, and confidence of even our closest allies and friends.” And she, too, promised a new start, focusing on international cooperation and multilateralism, exhausting every avenue of diplomacy before resorting to military action, “avoiding false choices driven by ideology,” and devoting our resources to problems like global warming and third-world poverty. If pursued sincerely and consistently, such a course, she was confident, would keep us safe, restore America’s image, and win the respect of the planet.
Those views are a reversion to pre-World War I progressivism, when European and American liberal-progressives were firmly convinced that the world was moving inevitably toward social perfection. Russia had finally freed its serfs, democratic institutions were becoming widespread, governments increasingly were being managed by bureaucratic experts, and nations appeared to be relying on international diplomatic agreements rather than war.
The same sorts of conceptions had been a fundamental aspect of nascent socialism in France during the opening decades of the 19th century. In his exposition of positivistic philosophy and the Religion of Humanity, Auguste Comte had expressed confidence that all peoples of the world, after becoming aware of his new scientific era ethical principles, would voluntarily and happily come to study peace and harmony at his feet.
A core presumption in French socialism and English and American liberal-progressivism was that science’s apparent conquest of nature would also entail the ability of governments to change and perfect human nature. This is the intellectual platform upon which the Obama-Clinton foreign policy appears to rest.
The savagery of World War I, followed by the 1917 Russian Revolution, brutally questioned the validity of that worldview, as did the abject failure of the post-war League of Nations. The whole liberal-progressive-socialist scenario was replayed in World War II and the great expectation that the UN would eliminate military aggression as a mode of international conduct.
Apparently having learned nothing from the dismal showing of liberal-progressive foreign policy in the 19th and 20th centuries, President Obama and his Secretary of State propose to run the same banner up the flagpole once again.
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Let me be the first to encourage you to sign up for Alain's Newsletter, it is a good source of information and opinion.
Congratulations. You have been able to put out more meaningless poppycock and blatherskite paragraphs in your postings in the month of January than you did in the whole year of 2008.
And who was the pantywaist who sniveled that there was "no voice of dissent or criticism is allowed to spoil the media's enchanted gaze at the emperor's new clothes; none at all; not one word."?
Thank you for pointing that the posts on this blog have become more prolific; but, please, no more awards for us here at RightHooks, our trophy cases are getting full.
You blathered,
"Jesus was a man." - Yes He was and is; He was and is also God. Looks like you've been believing those Qu'ranic texts again (and, unlike Jesus, mohammed is DEAD or in hell.)
"One god means one." -Yup
"I have no problem with god." -Uh, ya you do. You have denied the true existing God and created a false god.
"I, unlike you, never deny every professed commandment and belief of my faith." -Must be easy since you get to make up your own rules in your 'faith.'
"Too bad you fail to be able to read the texts of 'religious' books and to learn from them. May I suggest you re-read the new American Standard Updated Edition of your books or try the New International Version." And what other 'religious books' were authored by God except the Bible?
"Understand, _you_ will be judged by your actions and your ability to follow the 'New Testament' teachings of the Jewish rabbi Jesus Christ and his teachings of the Beatitudes. JC's teachings of the two Greatest Laws (Matthew 22:36-40) and Christ's Commandment (John 12:47,48) are totally ignored by you. How is it that you call yourself a Christian?" -No, I will be judged based on if I believed in the righteousness of Christ, who freely gave His life to pay the penalty for sinners like me (and you). You've got a 'works' mentality, that one must 'be good enough' to get into heaven. Sorry, Charlie, none of us are 'good enough;' that is why the Savior had to come, and indeed did. But go ahead and try to earn your own way into heaven, so that maybe you can be the hero in heaven, but remember, just one single little sin and you are disqualified; hence the need for a Savior. If you were willing to do the will of God, you would understand this because Jesus said as much. I am not the judge, you are not the judge, we are both guilty sinners; God is the judge. And what you do with Jesus will determine your eternal fate.
PackSmack, do you fully comprehend what Moe did to Jesus?
Moe co-0pted our Saviour, falsely calling him a Muslim and claiming that he led his disciples in battle.
There is worse, much worse, and it is revealed & fully documented in "The
Defamation of Jesus Christ".
Note that there is one error in that post. I erroniously assumed that "kill the pigs" refered to the Jews. I recently discovered that there is a hadith in which "The monkeys are the Jews..the pigs are the Christians".
Ben, for some reason the link is not working.
Yes, Mohammed said Jesus was a Muslim, Moses and even Abraham, I believe.
Must be nice to be able to toss out 3000 years of revelation in a few episodes of epilepsy.
I can't find a way to edit the cmnt, so I'll try again. Here is the url:
Click Here. If this bombs, I'll repost it here, that'll twist Ema into a Mobius stip.
The final link worked. Thanks. :)
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