Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Its Shari'ah, Stupid #2

al-Shaybani, d. 803 / 5, Hanafi. Siyar, transl. Majid Khadduri, The Islamic Law of Nations: Shaybani's Siyar (Baltimore 1966), p. 76-7, 87, 95-6, 100-1.

Fight in the name of God and in the ”path of God” [i.e. truth]. Combat [only] those who disbelieve in God. Whenever you meet your polytheistic enemies, invite them [first] to adopt Islam. If they do so, accept it, and let them alone. […] If they refuse [to accept Islam], then call upon them to pay the jizya; if they do, accept it and leave them alone. If you besiege the inhabitants of a fortress or a town and they try to get you to let them surrender on the basis of God’s judgment, do not do so, since you do not know what God’s judgment is, but make them surrender to your judgment and then decide their case according to your own views.

This is obviously derived from Muslim Book 019, Number 4294. It is Islamic law from the Hanafi school. It ain't peaceful, it is aggressive.


RightHooks said...


And I reject the teaching offered by these beasts. I will stand up to it until every drop of my blood has spilled from my mortal body.

Thank you for presenting these dangerous truths for the America people to learn and discover.

Ben said...

You are welcome, PackSmack. There is much more where that came from, and I intend to spread it over the front page.