Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Drops the Nuclear Bomb: Sarah Palin

John McCain dropped the nuclear bomb on Barak Obama's campaign today; and her name is Sarah Palin.

Conservative, mother of five, including a newborn with Down's syndrome, wife of a fisherman/oil field worker, pro-life, pro-second amendment, member of National Rifle Association, point guard on her state championship basketball team, high school leader of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, runner-up in the 1984 Miss Alaska beauty pageant, and also Miss Congeniality in the same pageant, authentic as your neighbor, mother of an infantryman in the United States Army, reformist, tax-cutter, 'Maverick,' "Sarah Barracuda," Washington outsider, individual with solid morals, values and character, and the current governor of Alaska, 44-year old Sarah Palin is the Bomb in every way.

And her husband is the second-luckiest man in the world. I'm the first.

Here she is, Sarah Palin Nuclear Bomb:

 declares, “This chick could be solely responsible for why polar bears have no icebergs to swim to.”

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick: Iran's Fate Nears

You have to wonder just how many times a day Iran's President is wetting his pants lately. It must be many; and for a good reason.

Right now sitting off the shore of the little beligerent loud-mouth's country is the United States' aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and her supporting battle group. Nearby is the USS Peleliu aircraft carrier and her battle group.

And on the way to the area are the USS Iwo Jima, USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Ronald Reagan, all aircraft carriers and all accompanied by their respective battle groups.

Since any single one of these groups carries enough firepower to eliminate Achmadinejad's entire country from the face of this planet, to have five of them coming over to Iran's Islamic Revolution for dinner certainly must mean the President is changing his diaper many times per day.

Not since the 1991 first Gulf War has there been this many American aircraft carriers in the region. And though the Pentagon is silent about the ships' missions, even a thick-skulled moron like Achmadinejad must understand what possibilities exist with the massive consolidation of such immense power.

Is it any coincidence that this assemblage of power is put in motion after Iran snubbed American offers to a negotiation, causing President Bush to issue Iran a 12-day warning a few short weeks ago? Is it any wonder that the aircraft carriers are rolling after Bush threatened to put a naval blockade against Iran if they failed to comply?

Bush had told Iran that they could choose "cooperation or confrontation," and the time limit has now passed for them to have chosen cooperation. It does not take a genius to see that 1+1+1+1+1=5 aircraft carrier groups which are about to make Achmadinejad's decisions for him. Iran's fate is now at sea and is getting closer and closer every moment.

The nations will have little pity on Iran and the mad ayatollahs and mullahs who are trying to exert hateful, murderous Islamic ideologies onto a world that did not become advanced by adhering to the slaveries of a 7th-century killing cult.

When Achmadinejad's arrogance pushes him to fire the first shot at a blockading US naval force, his own personal fate will be sealed as well as his country's. It will unleash an extremely powerful and lethal dose of 'you-asked-for-it,' and will call the wrath of the United States military down on his own head.

May that happen soon.