You have to wonder just how many times a day Iran's President is wetting his pants lately. It must be many; and for a good reason.
Right now sitting off the shore of the little beligerent loud-mouth's country is the United States' aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and her supporting battle group. Nearby is the USS Peleliu aircraft carrier and her battle group.
And on the way to the area are the USS Iwo Jima, USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Ronald Reagan, all aircraft carriers and all accompanied by their respective battle groups.
Since any single one of these groups carries enough firepower to eliminate Achmadinejad's entire country from the face of this planet, to have five of them coming over to Iran's Islamic Revolution for dinner certainly must mean the President is changing his diaper many times per day.
Not since the 1991 first Gulf War has there been this many American aircraft carriers in the region. And though the Pentagon is silent about the ships' missions, even a thick-skulled moron like Achmadinejad must understand what possibilities exist with the massive consolidation of such immense power.
Is it any coincidence that this assemblage of power is put in motion after Iran snubbed American offers to a negotiation, causing President Bush to issue Iran a 12-day warning a few short weeks ago? Is it any wonder that the aircraft carriers are rolling after Bush threatened to put a naval blockade against Iran if they failed to comply?
Bush had told Iran that they could choose "cooperation or confrontation," and the time limit has now passed for them to have chosen cooperation. It does not take a genius to see that 1+1+1+1+1=5 aircraft carrier groups which are about to make Achmadinejad's decisions for him. Iran's fate is now at sea and is getting closer and closer every moment.
The nations will have little pity on Iran and the mad ayatollahs and mullahs who are trying to exert hateful, murderous Islamic ideologies onto a world that did not become advanced by adhering to the slaveries of a 7th-century killing cult.
When Achmadinejad's arrogance pushes him to fire the first shot at a blockading US naval force, his own personal fate will be sealed as well as his country's. It will unleash an extremely powerful and lethal dose of 'you-asked-for-it,' and will call the wrath of the United States military down on his own head.
May that happen soon.
Your cheer leading efforts may help you get a hard-on, I'm sure. Your blood lust is standing for all to see. You may be now sitting in your mother's basement behind your 'killer-keyboard' with a pocket rocket stinger. But may I ask, "Just whose side are you on?"
You do realize you can be accused of having passed secret and sensitive troop movement information on to the enemy, don't you? Is there any other secrets you want to pass on to Achmadinejad and Iran Islamic Republic?!
BTW - Given USA is tied down in two different quagmires in the Middle East region (Iraq and Afghanistan) to the point that Russia is able to flex its muscles in Georgia, can you please explain (without your giving secret information to the enemy) how you see this playing out? Should USA attack Iran, what makes you think Russia would not move into Iran to help Iran??
Ema Nymton
One of us keeps making sexual references, so you might want to re-evaluate your own association with that and world events. As for blood-lust, what I see is Achmadinejad's murdering in Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, and the Sunni's bombs going off daily. Do not mistake a country's lethal defensive measures against enemies who have declared them to be mortal enemies in the name of Islam with blood lust. Blood lust is what Mohammed had when he commanded his followers to millenniums of physical jihad against any culture who is smart enough to not believe his lies, and which he demonstrated himself. That is blood lust. What I am talking about is slaying the dragon to protect ourselves from wanton and declared Islamic blood lust that is already working toward our destruction. If Achmadinejad wants to play a power game, so be it, a power game he will get. In spades. This is his choice, not ours. Even other Muslim countries such as Egypt are saying Achmadinejad shouldn't serve the pretexts for war up to us on a silver platter. Does everyone else see this but you?
As for secrets and sensitive troop movements, I'm sure Iranians can read the Debka File on the internet just as easily as can I. And it is highly unlikely that Iran would pay any attention to this insignificant blog on the blogosphere to gather intelligence. What I say does not matter in the scheme of things for this blog is irrelevant to any real spheres of influence; I am just screaming a chorus to the larger movement that is already at hand and which I have no say in, aside, of course, from being covertly inserted into Achmadinejad's basement where we sneak up to the kitchen at night and steal snacks from his refrigerator. A western refrigerator, no less.
As far as Russia is concerned, well I am still scratching my head over that one. Other than an arrogant, ego-filling stab at legitimacy, which is completely unnecessary, any sensible motive for their actions escapes me at this time. Russian arrogance is nothing new, but it had seemed like they had grown up a little and were able to play nice with others for awhile. Their recent arrogant behavior reveals that their new leadership must feel quite inadequate and invaded Georgia in a juvenilistic effort of over-compensation to appear bigger and tougher than they are. I'm not impressed. It was all so unnecessary.
I don't know how it will pay out. But if Russia is stupid enough to ally itself with Iran in a war with the US, Russia, too, will get schooled. There is no way that they have kept up with us technologically, and they would be quickly humiliated. That type of conflict, of course, could grow really big and ugly in a hurry. But it won't come to that because Russia is not suicidal, unlike Achmadinejad. They have made calculated advances to gain leverage and proclaim some renewed relative regional power, getting their toes wet, but they don't dare jump into the pool. They are arrogant, but not stupid (unlike Achmadinejad.)
Not sure how the Russia element will play out. Very sure, however, that Iran will be dancing to Uncle Sam's fiddle pretty soon.
ps. as for any secrets I'd like to pass on to Achmadinejad and the Islamic Republic of Iran? Yes, I have one top secret item: anti-freeze tastes like kool-aid, and it is good for you. If you drink enough of it, your muscles will actually grow and you won't be a puny little pencil-neck anymore. I'll gladly send him a gallon.
Please stay away from the anti-freeze. You are hallucinating when you typed "... being covertly inserted into Achmadinejad's basement where we sneak up to the kitchen at night and steal snacks from his refrigerator. ..."
Yes you may be in a basement. But I imagine it is safely in USA (your being a Green Bay Packer fan makes me guess Wisconsin). If you were serious in your rooting for war, then is it not fair to ask, "Why are you not in military service?"
Ema Nymton
(This advice may come too late for you, as your writings seem to indicate that you have already been hitting the stuff, but I will say it anyway) Drinking any amount of anti-freeze _wlll_ hurt you.
Just don't tell Achmadinejad that the anti-freeze is harmful and the world will be a much better place after I send him a few gallons. Heck, I may just go up from his basement and pour a little in his yogurt or inject a few mls into the box of dates he has in there. Better yet, I'll put it in his goat's milk.
So why am I not in the service you ask? Well, one reason might be that in order to plant operatives such as myself into places like Achmadinejad's basement, like we are, there has to be some deniability, of course, on behalf of the government in the extremely unlikely event that we would be captured or found out. So one therefore cannot be in the military in such a scenario, one's 'service' just must not exist. So mine doesn't.
The second reason, if the first one is not good enough for you, would have to do with fate's decision to give 20-20 vision to some, and not others; whom although can see just fine with contact lenses and all, and has even, perhaps, been found to be able to shoot things at long distances, is nonetheless merited a potential risk to team integrity for this reason alone. What is, is what it is; what isn't, is what it isn't.
Or if you don't like that one, how about this: if I only knew then what I know now , why I'da...
If none of these fit the bill, how about there are other fronts in the war on terror than pulling triggers , pickling bombs or holding laser painting devices on Muslim's heads, since Islam is also subversively infiltrating us from within our system, they need to be dealt with too. Of course not only would you, yourself be familiar with this tactic, you would also be paranoid about who knows what about you. Don't forget that song from back in the day, "Paranoia Will Destroy Ya..."
And if none of those suit you, well, how about this: the Green Bay Packers need fans too.
Smoke ya later.
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