Thursday, January 22, 2009
- Ema Nymton said...
Pea Brain Ben,
You did not answer the questions. So does it not prove that, by your not answering the questions, you are a secret follower of the Prophet?
PackSmack, be warned. Ben is not who he says he is. Ben is in league with Lucifer.
. -
January 22, 2009 at 7:07 AM
- RightHooks said...
Ema, Sure, whatever you say.
Except Ben doesn't look like a duck, walk like a duck, or quack like a duck; but you sure do. So duck you. -
January 22, 2009 at 8:35 AM
- Ema Nymton said...
Maybe you should ask your self, "How does Narcissistic Ben know so much about Islam without being a Muslim?"
How can Supercilious Ben know and read the Qur'an to such depth and detail with years of study, without it rubbing off on him?
Better watch out PackSmack. It won't be long before you and Shit For Brains Ben are kneeling to your new Muslim masters.
Just thought I'd warn you.
. -
January 22, 2009 at 12:22 PM
- Ema Nymton said...
Found a fellow traveler on your plain.
As kookie as youse guys are, this guy's preaching should fit right up your empty spaces. His entry "Barack Obama quick into hell" really has the same smell as so many of yours.
&@:-} -
January 22, 2009 at 1:09 PM
- RightHooks said...
Thank you for your concern...if it is genuine.
Actually what you are saying about Ben is pretty much who I have thought you to be most of this memorable time we have traded blows (not the same way you and Packerwatch trade blows, though). LOL...(you gotta admit that one was was the duck you eh?)
You see I have encountered Muslim 'plants' before in other places over the last 8 years. I know how they operate to try to undermine American values and ideals. And when I asked you long ago which son of Abraham was the inheritor of his blessing, Isaac or Ishmael, your answer was said something like, 'Abraham, who's that jabrone?' So the fact that you dodged the question told me much.
And, actually, I still think you are a male and a Muslim. Don't think that this is the only blog where I have seen your posts... because it isn't. (Don't worry, I'm not stalking you or going out of my way to hunt you down online...even though I know people who could.)
But hopefully if you continue to read this blog, your head will blast open someday with revelation and light and you will turn from your misguided ways.
But Ben? No, he's not a Muslim. I know his track record (you didn't actually think when you saw him show up here on the site that it was the first time he had been here, did you?...well, it wasn't. I've known Ben for awhile and have known about his 'specialty' even longer.)
Don't ya just hate it when you find out the deck was stacked against you? -
January 22, 2009 at 1:45 PM
- RightHooks said...
Thanks for the heads up on the fellow genius. -
January 22, 2009 at 1:49 PM
- RightHooks said...
I checked out our buddy,'s his church: (copy and paste in your bowser) .
He's an "Independent" Baptist. These people are your very ultra-strict, legalistic, King-James-only crowd who are well-meaning, but highly controversial. Matthew seems to be a young 19-year old kid who seems to think that putting perceived notches in his soul-winning belt is the goal. I have some experience with that crowd, and more bad ones than good ones. Some very bad ones. I have found them to be pushy, extremely narrow-minded, naieve, highly legalistic and very judgemental. Furthermore, some have been quite argumentative trying to prove their point that they are related, ideologically to the 'first church' and that they (independent Baptists) have always been around. And then they go on about the King James only trip...a topic on which I can easily bury them, but they only see what they see.
Probably like many of us, I suppose.
As for all that 'soul-winning' he was counting numbers like that a reflection of anything else besides his own inflated ego?
Did he follow up with all these people? Did he get them set up with food or shelter of they needed it? Did he get them plugged into a local church or provide anyway for them to learn anything about their 'new' faith?
No, I don't have much time for fly-by-night heroes such as the young Matthew; I never have. It is all about their ego, in my opinion, and homey don't play that is disingenuous and insincere.
So Mr. Matthew's zeal is good, but his understanding is still primitive.
And the Independant Baptists are almost a cult. -
January 22, 2009 at 2:18 PM
Yo Dopey Ben,
"Whenver a Jew is killed, islam benefits. Got a clue yet?"
Are you calling for the killing of Jews in addition to murdering unarmed and defenseless Muslims?
Yes the clue is in open sight.
Given how literally that you take the written word of Allah in the Qur'an, which religious teachings do you follow? Are you as literal with the written words of the Torah? Should people read and take literally the words in the books of the Old Testament'?
Are you a secret follower of the Prophet? You _are_ trying to convert the readers of this blog.