Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama's Lies; #1 - 8

Former Senator and ethically-challenged liberal, Barack Hussein Obama, already has a track-record of disparity between what he says and what he does. In some circles, such circles as hold one's behavior up to traditional American (Judeo-Christian) standards, the disparities between what one says and what one does, or visa-versa, is called lying.

Of course the libiot will object to such a standard saying that such puritanical measuring-lines are out-dated, relative, narrow-minded, oppressive, and limit one's license, er, liberty to be free. Besides, he will claim, we have free speech in this country.

But for those of us Americans who can still understand what a lie is, and are concerned about the character and integrity of ourselves and our leaders, Mr. Obama's practice of saying one thing and doing another is concerning. In fact such behavior not only calls into question his qualification for his current position, but also his competency and, frankly, his trustworthiness.

So because the star-gazed media has been more concerned with advocating Mr. Obama instead of critiquing him, RightHooks has taken up the challenge of tracking Mr. Obama's steady stream of lies. Granted, there are only 24 hours in a day, but we will do our best to keep the list updated.

We will put the oldest, or first listed, lie at the bottom and the newer lies near the top of our list. If you find that we have over-looked a few, or a few dozen, please enlighten us in the Comments section (and pay no attention to the delerious and bitter cross-dresser who lurks about the Comments section and calls itself 'Ema'. We keep he/she/it around as one would enjoy a pet farret slithering about doing weasley, farret things. )

So here goes, here is a list of

Obama's Lies

8. Both Secretary Geithner and Secretary-Designate Daschle are the right people for very important jobs
7. Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency
6. I will have no lobbyists in the White House
5. Nobody on my staff had any contact with Governor Blagojevich
4. I will not accept private campaign contributions
3. William Ayers is not a guy I shared ideas with
2. William Ayers was just a guy I knew from the neighborhood.
1. I was born in the United States


Ema Nymton said...



Lists? oh lists.

"But for those of us Americans who can still understand what a lie is, and are concerned about the character and integrity of ourselves and our leaders, Mr. Obama's practice of saying one thing and doing another is concerning. In fact such behavior not only calls into question his qualification for his current position, but also his competency and, frankly, his trustworthiness."

1. Why do you care? Mr Obama is black.

"RightHooks has taken up the challenge of tracking Mr. Obama's steady stream of lies. Granted, there are only 24 hours in a day,"

2. And any one should care what you have to say, why? You want Mr Obama to fail.

You hate Mr Obama and want to see America fail. Why do you not just come out and say it?



RightHooks said...

Ema, you said, "1. Why do you care? Mr Obama is black."

I have no idea what you mean by this or what part of the universe you are coming from. Mr Obama is black? Uh, is that some kind of revelation, or something? Should we email him and let him know? Do we dare tell his wife? Whatever.

Do I want Mr. Obama to fail? No, I want him to do the right things; but he does not have the character, wisdom, integrity or philosophy to do the right things and, hence, succeed; so he will fail. I'm just pointing out his hypocrisy that people who are actually concerned about this country should be concerned about.

And why should anyone care about what I have to say, you ask? I don't know, because you are asking the wrong person; you might be better off asking the 762 unique visitors we have had to this blog recently. I can't answer for them (but apparently not everyone shares your deluded and foolish philosophy, wouldn't you say?)

You said, "You hate Mr Obama and want to see America fail. Why do you not just come out and say it?"

So if I disagree with Mr. Obama's policies and think that they are unwise and unsafe for this country, then I 'Hate Mr. Obama'?? Ahh, I see how it is. One can only post views out of emotion and not out of logic. And if one is against the ideas that Mr. Obama's, then he 'hates' Obama. Perhaps we should send the Justice Department after such people. Maybe get an SS started to wipe out such dissent form the 'party line', huh, Ema? Let's really put it to those who disagree with Obama; let's put them in re-education camps until they can see the light and have right thinking, right?

You are a fascist, plain and clear.