Monday, June 22, 2009

Stop Socialized Medicine!

Conservatives for Patients' Rights is collecting signatures on a petition to stop the Socialized Medicine juggernaut. If you want to experience:
  • massive tax increases
  • massive premium increases
  • your insurance company going out of business
  • your employer going out of business or dropping health insurance benefits
  • nameless, faceless bureaucrats making your health care decisions
  • expanding waiting lists
  • health care rationing
then sit there and do nothing. If you want to prevent those evils, then sign this petition and urge your family, friends, & associates to sign it.

After signing the petition, visit to send emails to your Representative, Senators & President Obama. Make sure that they fully comprehend your outrage and contempt for their demagogic scheme which will certainly ruin the best health care system ever developed. Don't just say no, say HELL NO!!! Let them know that your next vote will depend on their votes on this crucial issue.


Ema Nymton said...


Ali Ben Ali Mohammad Abdul,

You are wrong _again_ (as usual). Your mouthing Republicant Party talking points ain't helping you.

"your insurance company going out of business"
- This alone would be a wonderful reason to have socialized medicine if it were true.

"nameless, faceless bureaucrats making your health care decisions"

"health care rationing "
- Already happening with private for profit insurance companies running health care in USA.

Give the people of USA "Cheney Care" (the same level of quality health care that VP Cheney receives.) Socialized medicine is good enough for every member of USA Congress and USA military and is good enough for all in USA.


RightHooks said...

Ben, you are right.

The quality of care would tank, there would be rationing, long waiting periods, just like in Canada and Britain, and an idiot in Washington would be making your decisions for you.

Once again, Emma is blinded in fairy-tale land.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian Terrorist,

"The quality of care would tank, there would be rationing, long waiting periods, just like in Canada and Britain, and an idiot in Washington would be making your decisions for you."

You know this how? Beyond the Republicant Party" talking points, where are you getting your 'opinion?' Have you been to Canada or Britain for medical care?

Currently USA offers highest quality socialize medical treatment to every member of USA Congress and USA military.

Why is it that the very people who are getting the best care anywhere, are allowed to say we the people cannot have it too? Why are _you_ willing to pay for their medical treatment and not insist getting it yourself?

Is it any wonder the Republicant Party use you for their tool? Chump.


RightHooks said...


Health Care is not a RIGHT.

It is not an ENTITLEMENT.

It is a service that one must pay for himself, and not come put of the pockets of everybody else.

Unless you advocate a welfare state...? Wouldn't surprise me.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"Unless you advocate a welfare state...?"

Nothing in the USA Constitution against it. And did not the good jewish rabbi Jesus Christ advocate for it?

Currently USA offers highest quality socialize medical treatment to every member of USA Congress and USA military.

ANSWER the questions.

Why is it that the very people who are getting the best care anywhere, are allowed to say we the people cannot have it too? Why are _you_ willing to pay for their medical treatment and not insist getting it yourself?


RightHooks said...


Who says I'm willing to pay for Congress members' health care? Like any of us have a choice....

And who says that I don't have health care?

Regardless, paying for 435 members of Congress' health care is a far cry from paying for 300 million peoples'!

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"paying for 435 members of Congress' health care is a far cry from paying for 300 million peoples'!"

Thank you "Uncle Tom." It is good that the 'masters' have paid by the public health care but not good for the slaves?


RightHooks said...


Did I say, "It is good that the 'masters' have paid by the public health care but not good for the slaves?"


Did I say I favored paying for Congress' health care? No I didn't.

But your analogy of slaves getting it too ignores the financial impossibility which I was eluding to, still, doesn't it?

So you can dream and fantasize that someone else should have to pay for your health care instead of you or your employer, but that doesn't make it right or financially soluble.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"ignores the financial impossibility which I was eluding to, still, doesn't it?"

Actually, no it does not. The USA military provides a great example of positive working total socialize medical care program available.

The military hire a doctor out of university and give him/her every opportunity to practice medicine. Pay him/her directly. The patients receive outstanding quality service free of charge. It works and is workable in USA society. Stop being a Republicant (the party of no).

"So you can dream and fantasize that someone else should have to pay for your health care instead of you or your employer, but that doesn't make it right or financially soluble."

This works quite well in Japan, Canada, UK, Sweden, Germany, and China (all socialize countries whose corporations are beating USA corporations).

Only in Republicant Party land is being a member of society seen as being wrong. Society works best when it works _for_ the benefit of all.


RightHooks said...



Ema Nymton said...



Thank you.


Ben said...

Everyone's income is an expense to someone else. If you want to cut the salaries of doctors and wages of nurses and technicians, you may wind up with a shortage. Recruitment might become very difficult.

The law of supply and demand is not repealed. Increasing demand without increasing supply will lead to shortages, rationing and inflation.

Compare the colon cancer death rates between America and Canada. Explain them in terms of waiting times and drug limits.