Saturday, June 6, 2009


التفت رجل مريض إلى طبيبه عندما كان يهم بمغادرة غرفة الفحص وقال : أيها الطبيب أنا خائف من أن أموت . أخبرني ماذا يوجد في الناحية الأخرى من الحياة

أجاب الطبيب بمنتهى الهدوء : لا أعرف .

لا تعرف ؟ انت ، الرجل المسيحي ، لا تعرف ماذا يوجد في الوجه الآخر للحياة ؟

كان الطبيب يمسك بمقبض الباب ، من الجهة الأخرى صدر صوت خربشة على الباب و أنين ، وما إن فتح الباب ، انطلق كلب إلى

الغرفة ووثب عليه وعليه ملامح السعادة

الفتت الطبيب إلى المريض قائلاً: إن هذا الكلب لم يأت إلى الغرفة أبداً قبل الآن ولا يعلم ماذا يوجد فيها، إنه لايعلم سوى أن سيده موجود فيها.

وعندما فتح الباب انطلق داخلاً بدون خوف.

أنا أعرف القليل عما يمكن أن يكون في الجهة الأخرى من الموت، لكن أنا متأكد من شيء واحد ....

أنا أعلم أن سيدي هناك وهذا يكفي


Anonymous said...

It's a good thing we all know Arabic.


Ben said...

The graphics obviously belong to a Christian tract. Google Translators renders the text this way:


Sick man turned to his doctor when he was about to leave the examination room and said: Dear doctor, I'm afraid to die. Tell me why there is the other side of life

Replied the doctor quiet way: I do not know.

Do not know? You, Christian man, do not know what is in the other side of life?

The doctor was holding the butt section, the other was the voice of scratching on the door and sighing, and that opened the door, go to the dog

The room and jump for joy, and it features

Afattt the doctor to the patient, saying: That dog did not come to the room never before now does not know what there is, but he did not know that a woman might be found.

When opening the door go inside without fear

RightHooks said...

It says, :

A sick man turned to his doctor,
as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said,
'Doctor, I am afraid to die.
Tell me what lies on the other side.'

Very quietly, the doctor said, 'I don't know.'

'You don't know?
You, a Christian man, do not know what is on the other side?'

The doctor was holding the handle of the door;
on the other side came a sound of scratching and whining,
and as he opened the door,
a dog sprang into the room
and leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.

Turning to the patient, the doctor said,
'Did you notice my dog?
He's never been in this room before.
He didn't know what was inside.
He knew nothing except that his master was here,

and when the door opened, he sprang in without fear.

I know little of what is on the other side of death,
but I do know one thing...
I know my Master is there and that is enough.'