Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Libs Wrong, Surge Works, America Wins the War!

Here's a new one: the liberals were wrong about The Surge of soldiers in Iraq. Oh, wait, that's right, the liberals are always wrong.

With the withdrawal of troops from all major cities is Iraq today, proud Americans and mighty American warriors can deem this war won.

But do you remember the likes of John Kerry ponificating about how the war in Iraq was lost? Can you recall the many ways the liberals and their mouthpiece, the main stream media, were finding to lose the war, to blame America and to allow wicked Islamic terrorists to maintain a strangle-hold on Iraqi citizens?

The liberals wanted to give up; they were making up ways to lose.

The liberals, which includes all Democrats, should hang their heads in shame; but they will not, for they have no shame. Especially the weak-kneed leaders, Barack Obama included.

And they better not feel one ounce of pride in the heroic accomplishment of our troops, for they were the ones who turned their backs on America's soldiers.

Shame on you, liberal freaks. Shame on you. You are all traitors. You are not Americans; you are licentious, pansy degenerates. You have no honor, no authenticity, no integrity and no love for this country or We the People. You stand for nothing and fall for anything.

Today the rest of us can feel proud of the task accomplished by our brave troops in Iraq.

But don't you dare even turn up the corner of your mouth, you back-stabbing liberal! For you betrayed the very ones who fight for your freedom to do so. As usual.

Congratulations, United States Armed Forces. We are extremely proud of you all.


Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

Does this mean the troops can come home?

Do not Mr Obama and the liberals get all the credit for being able to do in less than six months what shrub, Cheney, and you weak-kneed neocon liars were not able to do in seven years, specifically bring an unnecessary war to and end?

By the way, for what was USA fighting?


RightHooks said...

Ema the Racist Communist,

Sure, go ahead and give libs credit for the victory in Iraq and not our brave soldiers and leadership...it is quite typical of you hypocrite libs.

You said, "By the way, for what was USA fighting?"

Did Sadaam Hussein violate the Gulf War cease-fire agreement or did he not? He did. He had it coming.

RightHooks said...

Ema Racist Communist,

Did all the troops come home from Japan? Germany?

Ben said...

The war is lost, not won because our Commander in Chief, like his predecessor in office, lacks the will and resolve requisite to victory.

Neither of those damn fools could identify and name the enemy, that is your first clue.

The stated objective was to establish democracy and sever the link between Iraq and terrorism. Neither of those objectives is possible in the presence of Islam.

So long as Islam remains in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are defeated in those theaters of war, wasting blood and treasure for nothing.

Ema Nymton said...


Ali Ben Ali Mohammad Abdul,


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"Did all the troops come home from Japan? Germany?"

Yes. As winners, thanks to liberal, secular, Democratic leadership.


Ben said...

Vidiot, we still have bases and troops in Germany & Japan. It took about seven years to pacify Germany.

RightHooks said...

Exactly, Ben.