Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NO-bomb-a is North Korea, Iran's 'Biatch'

In response to North Korea's beligerent threats to America, Barack Obama expressed in words that the United States military was fully prepared and capable to respond to any eventuality that might come about as a result of the rogue state's activities.

Unfortunately, though the US armed forces are prepared and capable, their Commander-in-Chief is not.

And North Korea knows it, for they have been watching Obama's 2009 Global Surrender and Appeasement Tour. They have seen him bully his own people, beat-up America's friends and brown-nose America's enemies.

For, you see, unlike the morally-bankrupt evil of liberal Obamabots, who are oblivious to how this all plays out, the blood-thirsty element of evil in the world CAN actually read between the lines. They understand weakness. They sense fear. And they smell blood.

North Korea, Iran and Al-Qaeda all fully understand that Obama does not dare show a spine to any enemy larger than a fly. They have watched and heard him be far harsher toward Israel, our friend and ally, than toward Iran whose military is killing its own citizens, and North Korea who threatens us with nuclear war.

Predators understand this as 'weakness.' Conquerers understand this as 'opportunity.' It emboldens dictators, encourages terrorists, and allows evil to thrive, unchecked. While at the same, it undermines our strength, discourages our allies and demeans our reputation and credibility around the world.

This all mixed together makes the world a much more dangerous place.

As the Obamabots bury their heads deeper into the sand (which explains what they talk out of, and why...)

So as the North Korean's cargo ship, suspected of carrying nuclear-prolifitiation materials, sails toward Burma, with the US Navy in its shadow, an emboldened North Korea has no fear whatsoever that there will be any problems - they are confident that they will be able to do what ever they desire - they are certain that they will not be confronted by the United States - because they know that Barack Hussein Obama does not have the sand to do a single thing about it.

And Iran is not even marginally deterred from its nuclear ambitions regardless of the inner turmoil going on there now, because they know that Obama will continue to appease, concede, surrender, give in and capitulate; they know that he is unwilling to pull the trigger, that he won't use the big stick. They know very well that Barack NO-Bomb-a is nothing but their 'biatch.'


Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

OK. I'll play along.

What exactly would you have USA do?

_You_ say USA is not the world's policeman. Yet now you want USA to go to war with North Korea and Iran? And for what?

Is there no end to your desire to send other people's children to their deaths for the sake of neo-conservative lies and lairs?


RightHooks said...


What would I have the USa do? (Assuming that by your phrase, 'Domestic "christian" Terrorist' you are wrongly referring to me...for what acts of terrorism have I done???)

Well, first of all, when I get to be dictator, Iran's nuclear ability will be annihilated within hours.

Then, after that is taken care of, I might send a cruise missile on Kim Jung Il's house, and have it land on his head. Then I would tell North Korea that if they want to start a nuclear war, that we will end it with extreme prejudice and maybe drop about a thousand dummy bombs onto North Korean soil to show them that they are sitting ducks. Or whatever.

The point is, is that I would take the initiative, take the lead instead of following, and use show-of-force techniques to wake him up and show him the futility of his ways. Right now he knows we will do nothing because he knows Obama is weak.

What we ought to do is board that cargo ship we are shadowing and if they don't let us, we should seize it. And if they resist, sink it.

The big dog seizes the bone...he doesn't follow the little dog around hoping that the little dog will let him have it.

Likewise, we need to seize the power and initiative or we will continue to get pushed around by pipsqueak, evil regimes and dictators, which is exactly what Obama is allowing right now.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"..for what acts of terrorism have I done???"

Do you even read what _you_ post?

Your whole blog is a celebration and advocacy of state sponsored tyranny, terrorism and torture. You call for the genocide of unarmed and defenseless people including citizens of USA.


RightHooks said...



But if this is your criteria,"You call for the genocide of unarmed and defenseless people including citizens of USA" and you cal ME a terrorist, then your support for abortion, which not only CALLS for the killing but actually KILLS the unarmed and defenseless makes you...what?

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"makes you...what?"

A compassionate human with an empathetic heart.

Trust people to do the right thing. The choice to have an abortion is totally up to the woman. Keep government out of the people's bedroom.


FYI - You have taken this off topic.

RightHooks said...

So out of compassion, you trust people to do the right thing, do you?

So prove it. Ride the bus tomorrow and leave your wallet on the seat, filled with cash. Then go back the next day and see if its still there...or don't lock your doors at night for a month. Leave you car on the road and leave the windows down and your keys in it.

That claim is BULL. It is a smoke screen that you hide behind so that you can pretend that you are not accountable to a holy God.

Abortions do not happen in people's bedrooms, they happen in clinics. What you do in your bedroom is nobody's business, but to then expect others to sanction murder because of your choices in the bedroom is unrealistic, it is from a fantasy land. You are responsible for all your choices and actions, in the bedroom or not. You are responsible to God.

'Compassionate and empathetic' phooey!...what a farce. Try empathizing with the poor innocent baby who's arms are being ripped off in the womb, supposedly the safest of places on earth, instead of trying to justify murder and sin.

Ema Nymton said...

Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"'Compassionate and empathetic' phooey!...what a farce."

You really should try to become a follower of the teachings of love of the good rabbi Jesus Christ. Then you'd understand about compassion and empathy. You'd also learn to judge not less ye be judged.

"You are responsible to God."

So let god take care of the issue.

You do not trust people to do the right thing? And you demand to force your way of an angry, vengeful, mean spirited, and vicious godless life onto others! No thank you.
