Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wilders or Wilderness?


Watch THIS video from victimlesscriminal entitled ‘Geert Wilder's Helpline and then take the action suggested:

Text from the Video Description mentioned in the video:


1. Please copy this letter (or alter/replace it with your own letter) and post/email to

Mr Ernst Hirsch Ballin
Dutch Minister for Justice
Postbus 20301
2500 EH Den Haag

Dear Mr Ballin

Amsterdam Court of Appeal vs. Mr Geert Wilders

As you now seek to jail Mr Geert Wilders on charges of discrimination and hate speech I wonder if you will also seek to ban the Qur'an that has page upon page of discrimination and hate speech, calling for death and punishment for a vast range of activities which are perfectly legal in The Netherlands - such as for not being Muslim, particularly for being Jewish, for being an apostate or an adulteress or for a selection of other actions or beliefs that would hardly rank as indiscretions or misdemeanours by any non-Qur'anic terms of reference?

That we have all witnessed the words of the Qur'an inspire some Muslims to commit the most discriminatory and hateful actions in recent history is a matter of public record and cannot be denied. That the passages of this book were used in the movie 'Fitna' along with footage of Muslim leaders and Imams is also a matter of public record and cannot be denied.

If Mr Wilder's is to suffer the charge of discrimination and hate speech for quoting passages of the Qur'an, then the Qur'an itself must face the identical fate.

Thank you for your time,

2. Go to and sign the growing petition in support of Geert Wilders, which reads:

To: The Dutch Government
WHEREAS Geert Wilders has exercised his fundamental human right of freedom of expression and spoken out, with facts and evidence, of the threat posed by radical Islam;

WHEREAS certain elements within Islamic communities have threatened a boycott of Dutch goods if Geert Wilders is not punished by the Dutch government for exercising his freedom of expression; and

WHEREAS certain elements in Dutch industry and the Dutch government are suggesting that Geert Wilders be prosecuted civilly or criminally, in order to prevent such a boycott;

IT IS RESOLVED that, in the event that the Dutch government attempts, in any way, to punish or prosecute Geert Wilders, civilly or criminally, for exercising his freedom of expression, the undersigned will initiate a boycott of any and all Dutch goods.


While your at it, please go to and support the Global Statement Against Sharia Law and the UK One Law For All Campaign and Petition.

Sharia Law is the legal culmination of religious efforts to curb freedom of thought and speech. It will be demanded by Islamic dogma in countries where it gains political power. Sharia Law is to be avoided AT ALL COSTS.

The item published above was received through email. I used their sample email as the basis for a very sharply worded missive to the Minister of Justice. Since I am monolingual, I used Google's Translation service to translate it into Dutch.

I also signed the petition in support of Wilders and urge you to sign and promote it.


Captain USpace said...

A Dutchman translated this for me:

De Koran moet niet verboden worden. Mein Kampf is niet een 'heilige boek', maar het mag niet worden verboden, maar je moet kunnen bekritiseren de idioten die mee eens.

Zoals u wellicht vermoedt, Geert Wilders is GEEN racist. Hij is gewoon tegen de out-of-control immigratie en tegen immigranten die niet assimileren, en degenen die beat Gays en verkrachting niet-islamitische vrouwen niet worden afgedekt.
Hij is ook zeer sterk tegen degenen die doden van hun eigen dochters en zusters voor hun 'familie eer'.
hier is een absurde gedachte --
Supreme uw God weet
Christus was een pedofiel

en een verkrachten terroristische
het omzetten van slaven door het zwaard
Moslims zijn niet een 'ras' toch, ze zijn aanhangers van een religie / ideologie en de Sharia wet.
De meeste moslims zijn zelfs niet-Arabieren, die in de weg, is ook niet een 'Race'.

Die hun plicht is volgens de Koran, het verspreiden van de sharia-wetgeving over de hele aarde. Het kan nemen 100-200 jaar, als ze slagen.

Is dat de aard van de wereld je wilt voor je grote-Grand kinderen groot-Grand kinderen? Een Taliban Planet? Ik wed niet.
Moslims zijn de grootste slachtoffers van de islam. Wilders is niet tegen moslims, hij is tegen het islamitisch fundamentalisme.

Lees de Koran, maar wees voorzichtig, want de Koran verbiedt niet-moslims uit lezen.

Ik vraag me af waarom.

Deze is groot, dit is REAL BIG! Spread the word op de wereld iedereen! De EU Mandarijnen de lijn! Als dit gaat naar de rechter, hoe veel meer van het publiek zal zich bewust worden van deze tirannie?

Alle echte vrijheid begint met de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Als er geen vrijheid van meningsuiting, dan kan er geen echte vrijheid.

De christenen en joden niet oproerbeheersing wanneer iemand maakt plezier van Christus of joden. Mensen moeten leren te beschaafd, en ter verantwoording te roepen wanneer zij niet. Moslims opgenomen.

Geert Wilders is een held verspreiding van de pijnlijke waarheid. Hij moet beschermd worden!
hier is een absurde gedachte --
Supreme uw God zegt
Christenen zijn een ras

liefhebbers van het joodse ras
en de vreedzame boeddhistische race

absurde gedachte --
God van het heelal wil
Islam voor iedereen

aan roemrijke leven
slavernij en dienstbaarheid

absurde gedachte --
God van het heelal zegt
outlaw Zelfverdediging

bloot gewelddadige misdrijven
wordt geacht haatdragende

absurde gedachte --
God van het heelal zegt
beslissen om uw ras

gewoon veranderen religies
uw godsdienst is uw ras

Alle echte vrijheid begint met de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Zonder vrijheid van meningsuiting kan er geen echte vrijheid.
Filosofie van Liberty Cartoon
Help Halt Terrorisme Vandaag!!!

RightHooks said...


Here's what I get:

The Koran should be prohibited. mein kampf is not a 'heilige by, but it may not be prohibited, but you can criticise agree that the like. As you perhaps suspects, Geert wilders is not racist. He is simply against the out-of-control immigration and against immigrants who are not assimilation, and those who modified and the rape must non-Muslim women should not be covered. He is also very strongly against those who have died in their own daughters and sisters for their 'familie eer'.

Anonymous said...

while i would disagree with geert wilder's calls for the qu'ran to be banned, etc, i actually would have to agree w/ you here packsmack, that this violates free speech. but banning the qu'ran would have been a violation of free speech too, so i guess the lesson here is: just allow free speech of any kind.

Ben said...

There is no practical way to eliminate the Koran. It has been published in too many languages & formats in hard copy, and even more in digital format. The scope and scale of the problem is simply beyond solubility.

Besides, the damnable document is critical to educating the world about Islam. How will anyone know how idiotic, illogical & evil it is without reading it? Reading Koran & Hadith is the greatest spur to apostasy which liberates Allah's slaves.

I keep a Resources post on one of my blogs. It contains extensive lists of links through which readers can download numerous Islamic texts in various languages and formats. The Koran, hadith & Tafsir are very popular. That post frequently gets as many as 15 hits per day. Many Asians, Africans & Arabs are using it to obtain texts.