Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is It Too Early for Obama to Surrender to North Korea?

Time after time we have stated here on RightHooks that the world is an extremely more dangerous place with the weak and appeasing Barack Obama in the White House.

And now North Korea is proving our point.

Fresh off a second nuclear weapons test, which Obama, Pelosi and friends did nothing about, the insane leader of North Korea has declared an end to the truce that was signed in 1953 which stopped the shooting in the Korean War, and has also threatened carnage for anyone who dares intercept and search ships bound for North Korea.

So for 66 years the North Koreans dared not re-engage hostilities with South Korea or the United States, but 127 days into the Obama administration, North Korea now finds it appropriate to defy it's enemies and threaten both South Korea and the United States.

Apparently North Korea also has bought in to 'Change We Can Believe In.'

It is quite obvious, however, that North Korea does not fear Obama and, thus, the United States.

Having watched him surrender to Iran, bow to the king of Saudi Arabia, and work on behalf of terrorists everywhere, even the pea-brain dictator of North Korea could realize that Obama was a threat only to Americans, and not to any one else.

Hence, North Korea has played its hand, daring anyone to try to do anything about their defiance.

Everybody knows that Obama won't, because Obama is a sheep.

So RightHooks, therefore, wonders, is it too early for Obama to surrender to North Korea? Or should he wait a week?


Ben said...

Predators probe for weakness. They have found it, they will exploit it.

It appears to me that one important question is being overlooked: whose bomb did they test?

Was it Kim's or was it Ahmadinejad's?
What if that first test was Korean or cooperative and the more recent test was Iranian?

We ignore that possibility at our peril, and Israel's. It is possible that Iran & Syria could have Nukes much sooner than we expected, and they could deploy them for a devastating surprise attack.

Ema Nymton said...


Boo. There is a Korean Muslim in your closet.


RightHooks said...

Ben, great observation.

Ema, If he's in my closet, that is, in my house without the permission or knowledge of the occupants, he is in my closet slumped over with bullet holes in him and my foot is on his neck.

You should go into my closet and get him; you are, after all good at coming out of the closet, aren't you?

Ema Nymton said...



"he is in my closet slumped over with bullet holes in him " - More than likely in the back.


RightHooks said...


""he is in my closet slumped over with bullet holes in him " - More than likely in the back."

LOL. Good one! LOL.