Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama's 'Spending Freeze' Farce

Barack Obama's plan to announce, now in 2010, a '3-year federal spending freeze,'

is like Adolph Hitler announcing, in March 1945, that 'there will be no more mass executions of Jews.'

Neither statement would absolve either dictator of his blatant abuses, nor would such hypocritical announcements provide an adequate smoke screen to hide that each is completely guilty of the very things which he now claims to be a champion against.

Power Play.



Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

So you see Mr Obama as a dictator and liken the President to Mr A. Hitler?

You see legal USA federal government spending as the same as 'mass executions of Jews?'



So what do you find as acceptable?????


RightHooks said...


Nice to hear from you. Sorry it has been so long since I have posted, thus not providing a regular target for you to shoot at; reluctantly, I am now in charge and therefore have been extremely busy at work. I was also working on the final edits for my book which will be available on Amazon within a week or so.

You asked, what do I find acceptable? Do you really want to know? If I thought you really cared and were really interested in what I thought was acceptable I might be inclined to give you an answer. I am afraid, however, that no matter what I said, it would not penetrate your unwilling heart.

However, let me clarify...I did not liken Obama to Hitler, nor do I think mass spending is at the same level of depravity that genocide of the Jews was, I was simply pointing out the parallel of absurd hypocrisy between the two morons.

Have a nice day, Ema.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"... so long since I have posted, thus not providing a regular target for you to shoot at."

Feeling like a victim again, are you? You have not been "shoot at" by me. I have taken aim at your simple, simplistic, silly, shallow and stupidly dangerous statements.

You can express whatever you want. Your inflammatory statements, though, will not go unchallenged.

"...I did not liken Obama to Hitler, nor do I think mass spending is at the same level of depravity that genocide of the Jews was..."

Oh yes you do!


RightHooks said...


No I don't feel like a victim. I was just apologizing for depriving you of a venue to vent, that is all. Perhaps I worded it incorrectly; the word 'depriving' simply would not come into my mental thesaurus yesterday as I wrote that and my mind searched for the right word...I just couldn't find it. Not enough coffee yet at that point, I suppose.

And I am glad that my 'inflammatory statements' give you a chance to express yourself. Gee, I wonder if such freedom of expression was allowed in Stalin's USSR, of China, or Iran, regimes which you side with.

And you said 'yes' I do 'liken Obama to Hitler,' and that 'I think mass spending is at the same level of depravity that genocide of the Jews was.'

Ah yes, liberal omniscience at work once again. You can read my mind, my heart, my motivations [and yet ignore my words]. You and all liberals are omniscient. And only God is omniscient. So you must be God.

Wow. I'll bet that feels great, huh?

God bless you, Ema.


When my book comes out, I am going to send you a link (or post it, or somehow get it to you) on Amazon where you will be able to see my real name and then Google me up all you want and find the real me. I also want to actually send you a book for free (to you) if we can work out a way to protect your anonymity. I am not hunting for your personal details, nor do I desire to penetrate your anonymity, but I would like to give you the book and don't want you to have to spend the money for it. Maybe through a bogus name at a PO Box number or something, whatever you want to work out.

Heck, I'll even give you my personal email address so you can hassle me any time you want.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"And you said 'yes' I do 'liken Obama to Hitler,' and that 'I think mass spending is at the same level of depravity that genocide of the Jews was.'"

Reading your mind would be an utter waste of time. Your hate is too great. I read your words. (It is humorous you say something, then backtrack and deny you said it.) Your words condemn you, not me.

As you wrote, "each is completely guilty of the very things which he now claims to be a champion against."

You are learning like the Republicants. One can lie oneself to power but one cannot lie oneself to the truth.
