Friday, October 31, 2008

The Bottom Line on the Socialist Barack Hussein Obama

Want to see the bottom line on the socialist Barack Hussein Obama in this election?

Here it is from

Socialism IS coming to the USA unless you vote it out NOW!


Ema Nymton said...


"It's not socialism; it's called civilization."

"... The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor."

---- Helen Keller, first published in the Manchester (England) Advertiser, March 3, 1911; "

Please stand up, wave your 'made in China' flag of USA and tell me you are better off today than you were four years ago.

Please stand up, wave your 'made in China' flag of USA and tell me you think USA is going in the right direction.

Then of course vote for the Republic Party and Mr McCain.


RightHooks said...

The USA is not going in the right direction insofar as the left is promoting abortions, homosexuality, conceding to Muslims, trying to go socialist, thinking truth is relative, that certain cultures are moral equivalents, preaching tolerance and multi-cultarism and now, allowing a socialist, militant black liberation theologist to come a few days from being elected president.

RightHooks said...

Per your other comment on the Smirk post, I would vote for Ronald Reagan, but he's not on the ballot this year...

Ema Nymton said...


Ronald Reagan? Really? You are a glutton for punishment.

Do you always vote against _your_ own self interest? As you are a Packers fan, it can be assumed you are no millionaire, you are probably a working stiff, and have collected unemployment. Everything RR did to USA has proven to be an utter failure.

Why, oh why support the Republic Party, when they take advantage of you??


RightHooks said...


No, never collected a penny of unemployment...guess you have a stereotype of Packer fans, huh? Ronald Reagan's programs created more world wealth than all the rest of the wealth in in history combined...he was the consummate conservative. You will remember the Republican party STARTED in Wisconsin (home of the Green Bay Packers) and its first successful presidential candidate was Abraham Lincoln...spose you have a problem with him too...also Teddy Roosevelt...whom you will likely sneer at as well. Republicans are not weenies, they are not afraid of using the big stick against our enemies, which Democrats ARE afraid of...hence we are a weaker, more vulnerable country with liberal whacks at the controls.

Ema Nymton said...

Let’s face it – none of us really know what kind of president Barack Obama will turn out to be. And it could happen that despite all of our hopes, he could wind up being a total disaster. I mean, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.

Think about it:

Wouldn’t it be terrifying if President Obama was repeatedly told about imminent threats against the nation, and he simply dismissed them out-of-hand? And what if the US was attacked, and he just sat in a classroom, reading a kids’ book, because he didn’t know what to do?

Wouldn’t it be just awful if President Obama started ignoring the Constitution, and declared himself unaccountable to anyone? And what if he started cranking out “signing statements”, began pardoning people who were instrumental in outing a covert CIA agent, or allowed White House emails to be deleted in complete defiance of the law? Worse yet, what if he started wiretapping American citizens’ phone calls, and started snooping into their internet activities?

Wouldn’t it be truly dreadful if President Obama lied our country into war, and then started handing out no-bid contracts to war-profiteers who didn’t give a flying fuck about the safety of our troops if it cut into their obscene profits?

Wouldn’t it be downright disillusioning if President Obama poured billions into an unwinnable war while our infrastructure, our schools, our hospitals and our entire economy were left in complete ruin?

Wouldn’t it be morally reprehensible if President Obama condoned the use of torture, or the unlimited detention of people without charge or trial?

Wouldn’t it be an incredible outrage if President Obama insisted on tax subsidies for corporations making record profits, or tax incentives for companies that outsourced American jobs?

Wouldn’t YOU find it totally unacceptable if President Obama did any of the above?

Well, I’m sure YOU would – and I have no doubt that if President Obama even thinks about doing any of the aforementioned, we will be hearing from YOU immediately.

That’s because real Americans don’t bow their heads and accept such behavior without speaking up, despite being called anti-American, terrorist-loving appeasers, non-patriots and socialist freaks.

Despite your abject silence over the last eight years, I am sure you will suddenly find your voice again, at-the-ready to decry even a perceived affront to your rights, your freedoms, and your liberty as citizens.

What a pity it will be eight years too late.

RightHooks said...

Now that was a fantastic speech...I mean fantastic. You certainly know what you believe and why.

And if you actually believed all of that I can see why you are upset. Unfortunately most of what you assailed on to [Bush] is harsh and prejudiced judgement of him. So many of the issues that you brought up and boil in have other explanations that are a little more broad than the worn-out, manufactured hate that the Democrats created after losing the White House twice in a row.

Perhaps if you stopped believing the main stream media and the Democratic manipulation/spin you would not have such hate for our President and would see things from a healthier perspective. Like perhaps recognizing that we have not been hit on the CONUS for 8 years...think about that.

Other than I can see you are passionate about your beliefs, your conclusions are wrong because your assumptions are wrong. For example you called it 'an unwinnable war'...unwinnable for the thousands of dead Al-Qaeda and other terrorists, sure. But check what the US commanders and soldiers are saying about Iraq your conclusions (money has been wasted) are wrong, because your assumptions (that the wear is unwinnable)are wrong. Don't know how else to say it...I could go right down the list of grievances you have and do the same thing, but bottom line is wrong assumptions = wrong conclusions. And you come to plenty of wrong conclusions.

Nothing personal, just saying that your point of view is slanted, flawed and broken, no matter how sincerely you believe it.

But, dang, that was a great speech. Who knows, if I see Ema Nymton's name on the ballot tomorrow, I might be persuaded to vote for you...! LOL

RightHooks said...

Reply #2


Well, I am quite sure that you have found my football blog...I haven't ever hid that. But the cheese hit the fan today in the Packers blogosphere that you might get a kick out of.

Because, you see, I did the crossover post last night. I posted a political story on my football blog. And the most popular Packer blog, CheeseheadTV, ran by a liberal, was predictably outraged. He publicly strongly slammed me and put a link to my football blog in his post. So not only do I have a ton of traffic on it today, but it has created some controversy.

So I thought you might enjoy hearing that I am getting piled on by others from your ideological camp. LOL. So you got some tag-teammates on your side today.

So does it bother me? Heck no. I think it's funny.

Ema Nymton said...


You seem to have missed my whole point. Perhaps I was typing too fast for you.

My post was about you. You have supported your loved one Mr Bush. You have called real Americans "anti-American, terrorist-loving appeasers, non-patriots and socialist freaks" because the real Americans did not bow their heads to your beloved president.

You silently allowed a truly dreadful President to lie our country into war, and then started handing out no-bid contracts to war-profiteers who didn’t give a flying fuck about the safety of our troops if it cut into their obscene profits.

You supported the morally reprehensible President who condoned the use of torture, or the unlimited detention of people without charge or trial.

You do not see the war in Iraq was over a long time ago (who won?). You ask the thousands of dead people (US, Iraq and others) why they died, I doubt you can even say why it meant anything at all? The occupation of Iraq is lost.

Mr McCain was 'cheer leader number one' for Mr Bush's war. Mr McCain was 'cheer leader number one' for Mr Bush's economic failures.

You really think Mr McCain has any idea of what the people's America is really about??! Regardless you are wrong.

You seem not to understand your own self interests. Your voting for Mr McCain and the Republic Party is like chickens voting for Col Sanders and KFC.

RightHooks said...

Wrong assumptions = wrong conclusions...

1. You said, "You silently allowed a truly dreadful President to lie our country into war, and then started handing out no-bid contracts to war-profiteers who didn’t give a flying fuck about the safety of our troops if it cut into their obscene profits."

Wrong assumption a: the President lied. Desperate stab at revisionist history, Ema, but he did not lie.

Wrong assumption b: the president didn't care about our troops. Another convenient liberal demonstration of omniscience...the ability to know the motivations of another as only liberals seem to have. Dead wrong.

2. You said, "You supported the morally reprehensible President who condoned the use of torture, or the unlimited detention of people without charge or trial."

Wrong assumption a: The President is morally reprehensible. Clinton was morally reprehensible...where was your outrage when he was playing with that cigar?

Wrong assumption b: that the President is bad because torture was used. Was he sawing off heads? Oh , no, that was the Muslims. You are part of the 'blame-America-first' crowd. If you want to place blame of bad things that have happened to people in this war, start with Osama Bin Laden and then back to Mohammed himself who inspired all this evil. You are completely full of crap if you neglect to ascribe evil to them both and instead thrust it on GWB.

Wrong assumption c: that our enemies somehow are deserving of a 'fair trial' or some other United States Constitutional right. Dead wrong. These people are murdering killers. THEY all CHOSE to engage our troops. Therefore they have NO US RIGHTS AT ALL. Get over it and stop trying to protect our enemies instead of our soldiers.

3. You said, "You do not see the war in Iraq was over a long time ago (who won?). You ask the thousands of dead people (US, Iraq and others) why they died, I doubt you can even say why it meant anything at all? The occupation of Iraq is lost.

Wrong assumption a: War in Iraq was over long ago. Bull. You wish.

Wrong assumption b: You doubt I can say why it meant anything at all. Bull. You're wrong. I can. Don't assume that you understand me or anything at all about what is right or wrong with all these twisted assumptions you are making.

Wrong assumption c: The war in Iraq is lost. More bull. If you are not a foreigner, you are a loser of an American and I and glad that I have never worked on any team with you on it. This kind of pessimistic song is a big hit with the weak liberal media and its swooning crowd but it is complete BS to soldiers who are there and can see. You are a freak.

You said, "You really think Mr McCain has any idea of what the people's America is really about??! Regardless you are wrong."

Wrong assumption a: McCain has no idea what 'the people's America is really about'. No, YOU don't know what the PEOPLE'S America is all about. You know what the lunatic left fringe believes, but you know NOTHING about the heart and soul of the people in this country that gives it its strength and gives it its freedom. But if you want to meet up, I will show you some of what I'm talking about first-hand, so maybe you can learn something. You are a reckless, ungrateful, petty, whining, snip and your anti-American drivel is long-winded, worn out, foolish and suicidal to this country.

You want to start pointing fingers at me, personally, like a hypocritical liberal usually does, well then perhaps you should hold your OWN ideas up to a moral standard first, and then we can start seeing the light and talking about right and wrong.

I've been very tolerant of you and your liberal, anti-American, subversive rhetoric and have enjoyed the interaction, but if you want to make it PERSONAL, like you specifically stated in your reply, then give me your email, tell me where you live, let's get together and I will guarantee that it gets personal. You want to make it personal, I will take it personal, and will speak for our soldiers who have sacrificed for your freedom to betray them when I meet up with you.

You are a coward and a chump.