Monday, July 6, 2009

Time Magazine Spits on McNamara's Grave

Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense during the war in Vietnam, died at home in his sleep this morning at the age of 93.

Time magazine, not content with undermining America's war efforts back then, and also helping to further the goals of the North Vietnamese communists, now finds it necessary to stab McNamara once again in a pitiful article written by leftist Mark Thompson, thus spitting on his grave.

Time calls McNamara a failure. Time calls Washington's efforts a failure. Time spits into the faces of U. S. soldiers yet again and calls the war a failure.

Yet it is Time magazine and its liberal peers who were the useful idiots to North Vietnam's agenda, which was political, not military, and who were played like fiddles to distort the truth and thus weaken the wills of American public opinion about the war. It is Time magazine and the likes of them who were a failure and worse: they seditiously invalidated the military victories in Vietnam and the blood of millions is on their hands. They were and are whiners, cowards, chumps and pawns.

For we never lost a battle in Vietnam; not one. What we lost was the support of the American people, again, thanks to Time magazine, Jane Fonda and the entire leftist, Communist-sympathizing media.

So it is the epitome of hypocrisy for Time magazine to slander once again a great man like Robert McNamara, a man who had to make much harder decisions than which latte to get today at Starbucks, as Time's cowardly authors are tasked with every day.

McNamara was a brave and loyal man. He served America; unlike Time magazine who continues to work for her demise with their perpetual leftist agenda.

May Robert McNamara and all Vietnam veterans forever be honored.

May Time magazine and Mark Thompson forever be scorned.

Rest in peace, Mr. McNamara. God bless you. And thank you.

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