Saturday, July 25, 2009

An Oldie But a Goodie...Dem's Socialist Agenda Revealed

Here is liberal Democrat racist California representative Maxine, um, Waters spilling the beans on the REAL agenda of the current racists in power...


Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

Since when have conservatives been against racism and racists? Sheeit, where would you be without your hatred?


RightHooks said...

Ema, If Barack Obama gets to label a policeman a racist simply because the police man is white, if Al Sharpton gets to label a man a racist because he is white; if Judge Gates gets to label a man a racist simply because the man is white; if Michaelle Obama gets to label anyone who doesn't vote for her husband a racist, well, then apparently they think it is OK to summarily judge a person solely by his color. It only follows that the same standard be applied on both sides of the spectrum and the aisle...therefore, following Obama logic, Ms. Waters is a racist. And so are you.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

There you go again, sniveling about being a victim. Since when have you been against racism and racists?

Sheeit man, where would you 'honkeys' be without your hatred and race bating?

Do you ever get tired of whining and crying about how bad _you_ have it? Let me guess, Pat Buchanan and you are bro?


RightHooks said...

Ema, the racist and Christ-hater,

Where did I say I was a victim? The white police officer in Boston is the victim.

It is Judge Gates, Obama and Sharpton who are claiming to be victims. Cry me a river.

And you didn't just really say, 'honkey,' did you? Pretty dang pathetic, Ema. Sure proves that YOU are a hating racist...just like Waters, Obamas and Sharpton.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"YOU are a hating racist...just like Waters, Obamas and Sharpton."

And you are not?

Where would you be without your hatred?


RightHooks said...


Isn't everyone who isn't black a racist? According to Obama, etc. it is true.