Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama's 'Health Czar' Advocates Rationing Health Care to Seniors

Sure Barack Obama is not admitting it. Nancy Pelosi is not admitting it. Harry Reid is not admitting it. But Barack Obama's appointed 'Health Czar,' Zeke Emanuel, certainly has.

In a January 31, 2009 article in the Lancet, Emanuel advocates giving young, healthy people health care over and above those over 65.

Yes, this is the guy whom Obama put in charge of health care.

And he said it before Obama brought him on to the Obamunist team.

And he said, oh, so much more, revealing exactly where these anti-American theives and would-be murderers are trying to steer this country.

Don't belive it? Read the article yourself. Or read the story on John Goodman's Health Policy Blog.

If Obama doesn't want to kill your grandma, why did he put the guy who does IN CHARGE of health care? You are an idiot if you can't realize that 1+1=2.

Now let's hear all you libs claim that this health care madness Obama is trying to shove down our throats is not sinister...

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