Friday, August 27, 2010

Hector Aleem Update 08/27/10

Hector Aleem Update 08/27/10

This video was shot on the 23rd, the intervening days were used in creating the sub titles.  The tape was made  on the occasion of a court hearing. Hector was speaking softly because the taping was clandestine.  I expect that when the Paki's find out about it, he will pay in pain.

    There is no justice for Christians in Islam dominated areas. I do not know the extent to which Pakistani law mirrors Shari'ah, I only know that this is the standard set by Umdat al-Salik.

024.2 Legal testimony is only acceptable from a
witness who:

(a) is free;
(b) is fully legally responsible (mukallaf, def:
c8.1) (0: as testimony is not accepted from a child
or insane person, even when the child's testimony
regards injuries among children that occurred at
(e) is able to speak;
(d) is mentally awake;
(e) is religious (0: meaning upright (024.4)
(A: and Muslim), for Allah Most High says,
"Let those of rectitude among you testify"
(Koran 65:2),
and unbelief is the vilest form of corruption, as
goes without saying);  [Emphasis added.]

1 comment:

RightHooks said...

Ben, any idea how we can help? Where can we send money?