In this stupefying story from World Net Daily's Michael Carl, Obama now wants to subject Americans to WORLD JUDGES...which:
a. completely violates the United States Constitution
b. completely violates United States sovereignty
c. is a gross act of treason punishable by law.
This traitor should be arrested and impeached immediately.
This seditious idea of his will only happen over my dead American body.
Read this incomprehensible story here at WorldNet Daily.
Domestic "christian" Terrorist,
"... will only happen over my dead American body."
Is there anything that can hurry this along?
Nothing that YOU could do; but you are MORE than welcome to come and try. I will give you my real name, my address and the Google Earth coordinates of my house if you show me your airline receipt for San Jose, CA.
Come heavily armed.
Domestic "christian" Terrorist,
Please, save your threats.
I am content to sit and watch as your hatred and fear drive you to your just rewards. The joy is delicious knowing you are eating away in your helpless state.
The people of USA are moving forward trying to bring improvements to the lives of all. The positive leadership being shown by the current administration is encouraging. It may take time but slowly the failures and mistakes of the recent past are being corrected and repaired. The future of the people of USA is looking brighter.
Have a nice day.
Ema, your summary of me is completely inaccurate.
Your socialist utopia will not stand. Judgement day is election day 2010...we'll see who's laughing then...
Domestic "christian" Terrorist,
"Your socialist utopia will not stand."
"Capitalism for the poor and socialism for the rich" does not work. The past years of Republicant rule prove this. The rubble of the once great 'free market' financial markets are being replaced. Let us hope the new system will have people oriented priorities.
If socialism is good enough for the rich and powerful (Corporations, Congress and Capitalist) in USA, then it is good enough for me.
"Communist." Thank you, the good jewish rabbi Jesus Christ was one too. Have you tried following his teaching?
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