Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quagmire Alert! - Dead End Left Does It Again

What ever happened to We The People? How does a circus court in California get to establish a law? I thought that is what elected representatives did. While homosexuals from all over the country are likely racing to the state to pretend to get married, most people are enraged at the audacity and arrogance of the foolish judges who have greatly overstepped their bounds and we have all simply HAD ENOUGH.

Once again, we see liberal philosophy, spin, agenda, and (lack-of-) values on shining display. This week's lesson is on How to Subvert Democracy and the Will of the People. No longer does the term, We The People, apply to this country; it is now evident that the more appropriate term should be, We the People and the Baboon We Are Chained To. Have you ever tried to get anything accomplished or go where you wanted to with a baboon tied to your arm?

We have example after example of the futility of the left's philosophy, the blindness of their causes, the lethality of their mindless policies and, frankly, the core of their ideologies which attack the very foundations of American social order. Hey, can we finally all wake up now? The sixties are over. The hippie, far-left, socialist, free-love, free-drugs, relativist, anti-establishment ideas that were the basis of all this 'free-thinking' and liberality just can no longer be accepted as viable in the grown-up world. It just doesn't work. Probably because it is not based on reality, but on fantasy and Utopian pipe dreams.

But a man MARRYING a man; or a woman MARRYING a woman? This is simply unreal. Bob Hellam, a razor-sharp truth-tender, explains the situation so very well in his recent letter to his county clerk in California. I will share the entire letter, sparing the specific names and places:

Dear Mr. [County Clerk]:

I could not reach you by telephone a few days ago, so I thought I would write a letter instead.

Government cannot create reality. A law or a court decision or a constitutional amendment that declared a circle to be square, or that attempted to repeal the law of gravity, or that stipulated that words would mean exactly what any given judge determined that they mean, would have no real validity. Hence, the millennia-old understanding of what marriage is cannot be invalidated by judicial fiat. There is no such thing as same-sex “marriage,” even if the State of California maintains that such a thing does exist.

Those who have argued that the California Supreme Court had no right to legislate on marriage, and that the Governor’s office also has no such right, make a convincing argument. Now is the time to stand for truth, even if it requires courage.

Please be courageous. Support the will of the people of California, and the people of [this] County, even if it means contradicting the opinion of the California Supreme Court and the Governor. The responsibility for maintaining the integrity of marriage records in our county is yours, not theirs.

Please do not allow same-sex “marriage” in [this] County.


Robert Hellam

Mr. Hellam sees the truth, and says so quite plainly and elegantly; but such is apparently not clear to the baboon. Has it ever been more obvious to people who are not baboons that our culture and society is racing down a dead end road, toward a cataclysmic crash if we allow the baboon any more time at the wheel? The fact that they have led us into a social quagmire has never been more crystal clear.

Baboon policies demanded that we build no more oil refineries. Then they demanded that we not drill for oil off shore. Then they demanded that we not drill in Alaska. Where have their policies gotten us?

Baboons yelled and screamed that we not take out Sadaam Hussein himself when he invaded Kuwait in the early 1990's, whining that we should only expel him from Kuwait, and now look where we are. What, did they think he would go away? Was he going to change his colors or start being a nice guy to his neighbors? Baboons are nothing if not totally naieve.

But their solution was the oil-for-food program to be directed by the United Nations. Yeah, that sure went well, didn't it? Guys in the UN on the take. France on the take. Sadaam kicking weapons inspectors out. Sadaam violating cease-fire agreements that he made with General Schwartzkopf to prevent his annihilation. And the whole time, the baboon looks the other way. See no evil.

Now baboons are grumbling and complaining about how evil our own soldiers are, while at the same time trying to give American citizenship rights to our ENEMIES who are prisoners in Guantanamo. You know, people who have killed Americans and seek her overthrow...terrorists not killed in battle. Yes, the baboon is more concerned about the life of a murderer than he is about the life of a US soldier, an innocent unborn child, a redwood, or a baby seal.

It seems that every baboon, liberal policy has death at the end. Death for the unborns, death for our soldiers, death for our families (how do Adam and Steve produce children, by the way?), death to our values, death for our culture, death for Israel. The only people who the baboon doesn't want to die are the violent, aggressive and murdering cultures like [insert your favorite terrorist group here] who seek the overthrow of our country and of western society.

Are they willing to confront Iran? Of course not, Iran is not bad. Now, a few days after Iran uses its nuclear bombs on Israel or America, the baboons might awake from their slumber enough to say, 'Hey, that was wrong,' (and then blame conservatives, of course) but not long enough to keep them focussed on a sustained response. But, you see, it should never come to having to initiate a response; not since Germany and World War II, it shouldn't. The time to prevent a bellicose Iran from executing the Second Holocaust is NOW; yet the baboon resists this course of action at every turn. (He must be too busy performing all those homosexual 'marriages.')

There is no way that our society can or will survive any more of the lunacies arriving from a godless, ridiculous left-wing ideology. It is suicidal to our country, to our culture, and it has got to stop. We have got to stop it. They have led us into a despicable, perverted cultural quagmire. If our forefathers were here, they certainly would rebel against the liberal's fast track to hell that they are steering us toward.

It's time to yank back the wheel from the out-of-control left-wing baboon; no matter what it takes.