Concerning the terrible floods of the Mississippi and the horrific tornadoes in the mid-west, I hate to say, 'I told you so;' but I did. And you can blame the Great Betrayer, Barry Hussein Obama.
Why is that?
Well, as I said on February 16 of this year, in this article here on RightHooks, when Barry Hussein O., who illegally sits in the Oval Office, betrays Israel, our nation suffers national disasters...every time.
His betrayals in February paled in comparison to his most recent betrayal by insisting that Israel revert to the 1967 borders of its country.
What was the result? Well, just look at the news. America pays when Obama betrays.
And why is this? What evidence is there to tie national disaster to any president's relations with Israel?
Well, to find out, let's go back to the Bible (for libiots, this is God's Word, upon which all the founding fathers depended and understood. For libiots: God, the God of Israel, is the One Who created this world, and you, and whom all the founding fathers recognized and submitted to.)
In Genesis 12:3, God says to [Israel]: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse..."
In other words, if you are for Israel, you are for God Himself. Likewise, if you are against Israel, you are against God Himself, for God has chosen Israel to be His elected people. Not elite, but elected for which to reach the world through.
And our national disasters? They are God's judgment on us who dare betray Israel. And since Obama represents 'us,' we suffer when he betrays.
Now I did not connect these dots alone. Author John P. McTernan in his must-read book, As America Has Done to Israel explains these things in remarkable and indisputable fashion. Among other evidences, he shows how in the New York Times, every national disaster shares headlines with a President's betrayal of Israel. Think about that one for a moment...
And the current disasters are no exception.
So it should come as no surprise that American citizens are suffering, for Barack Obama, whose mentor of ideals, Saul Alinsky, dedicates his book Rules for Radicals to LUCIFER (!), is clearly AGAINST ISRAEL, and, therefore AGAINST GOD HIMSELF!
Yes, there can be no question that Barry Hussein Obama is an agent of evil.
And who else has been against Israel? Well, Hitler certainly was, wasn't he? And the cry of all Muslims is, 'Death to Israel.' Certainly evil would seek to eliminate God's chosen people, and all of the above have lined up on that side of the aisle.
For Barack conveniently forgets that Israel was attacked in 1967, she did not start that war, or any war. The fact that she not only protected herself, but gained crucial defensible land in the process falls as the fault of those who attacked her; to the victors go the spoils.
Neither does Obama remember that the Muslims sided with Germany in WWI and therefore, when Germany lost the war, lost all privileges to their land; to the victors go the spoil. Of course, we could have gone in and slaughtered them all, which they certainly would have done to us, but we simply re-defined their boundaries and inserted Israel back to their own homeland instead.
For it was GOD Who originally gave the land of Israel to Israel. And who does any man, including Obama, think he is that he could take away from Israel what God Himself has given to them? A very arrogant person, I would say. A godless person, I would say. One who follows Lucifer, or Islam [same thing], I would say.
So if we want to be in God's blessing, which we were for many, many years, instead of His curse, which we are now, the solution is simple. We need to elect a God-fearing man into the office of the President, instead of a Lucifer-following fool like we have there now.