Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Open Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama and

Mr. President, Madam Secretary,

An article posted at Jihad Watch brought Memri Special Dispatch - No. 2358 to my attention. Memri cited several interviews with Abbas Zaki,. Falestinian ambassador to Lebanon. As recently as May 7 he exposed the two state solution.

Two state solution

"With the two-state solution, in my opinion, Israel will collapse, because if they get out of Jerusalem, what will become of all the talk about the Promised Land and the Chosen People? What will become of all the sacrifices they made - just to be told to leave? They consider Jerusalem to have a spiritual status. The Jews consider Judea and Samaria to be their historic dream. If the Jews leave those places, the Zionist idea will begin to collapse. It will regress of its own accord. Then we will move forward."
"Then we will move forward"; the meaning should be obvious to everyone. On April 9, 2008, Zaki gave us a crucial clue. [Emphasis added for clarity.]
"The P.L.O. is the sole legitimate representative [of the Palestinian people], and it has not changed its platform even one iota. In light of the weakness of the Arab nation and the lack of values, and in light of the American control over the world, the P.L.O. proceeds through phases, without changing its strategy. Let me tell you, when the ideology of Israel collapses, and we take, at least, Jerusalem, the Israeli ideology will collapse in its entirety, and we will begin to progress with our own ideology, Allah willing, and drive them out of all of Palestine."
Four years ago, Nizaar Rian, a senior Hamas leader, told us what "all of Palestine" means. [Emphasis added for clarity.]
“All of Palestine, from the river to the sea, will be liberated by the mujhadeen (martyrs) and their rifles, not by pointless diplomatic meetings,” Ynet News

Conflict: true cause

Islam arrogantly asserts a demonic mandate to conquer, subjugate and rule the entire world. The primary imperatives are found in Al-Anfal 39 and
At-Taubah 29. The command to fight pagans until only Allah is worshiped and the command to fight "people of the book" until they are subjugated and extorted are outcome oriented commands. They do not have expiration dates. Those imperatives are explained by Ibn Kathir in these tafsir: The Order to fight to eradicate Shirk and Kufr and The Order to fight People of the Scriptures until They give the Jizyah. The Jihad imperatives are codified in Book O, Chapter 9, paragraphs 8 & 9 of Umdat as-Salik, the handbook of Shari'ah. Islamic law requires a minimum of one military expedition against Kuffar in every year. This is reflected in O9.1 and this ruling by Al-Shafi'i. "The least that the imam must do is that he allow no year to pass without having organised a military expedition by himself, or by his raiding parties, according to the Muslims' interest, so that the jihad will only be stopped in a year for a (reasonable) excuse."

Muslims will never cease their aggression because they are informed by As-Saff 10-12 that it is a "commerce that will save" them from eternal Hellfire and earn them admission to Paradise. The founder of their war cult prophesied that Jihad would be performed continuously until the end of the world. He also prophesied a final genocidal attack upon the Jews. To seal the deal, Moe issued an execration, threatening his successors saying that Allah would "make disgrace prevail over you" if they abandon Jihad in favor of productive agricultural pursuits.


Mr. President, Madam Secretary, how do you answer these fatal facts? Which of them can you refute? What will you do about them? Why do you stubbornly demand that Israel commit national suicide? Every concession Israel makes and every "good will gesture" will be perceived as a sign of weakness, emboldening the Muslims and inviting them to redouble their attacks.


Mr. President, Madam Secretary, President Thomas Jefferson said "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute." Why are you paying millions to the Falestinians, with which they will buy new weapons with which to attack Israel?

Peace Process

Exactly what part of this do you not comprehend? Only one process will bring peace and security to Israel: the process of making Islam extinct.


Mr. President, Madam Secretary, why do you continue to waste lives, blood, money and time tinkering about the edges of the problem when only eliminating Islam will restore peace and security? You can nuke them or you can attack their ideology with the fatal facts I have presented and more which are readily available in Islam's canon of scripture, tradition & jurisprudence so that shame will drive Muslims from the war cult in mass apostasy. Which will it be, Mr. President; or will you continue on your present idiotic, treasonous & suicidal course of action?


Ema Nymton said...


Ali Ben Ali Mohammad Abdul,

Oh Grate Won, you say, "Only one process will bring peace and security to Israel: the process of making Islam extinct."

How do you propose to do this? Do you still call for the killing of over a billion unarmed and defenseless men, women, and children (including citizens of USA)?

So oh grate won. Tell us. Beyond your mindless kill kill kill kill blather what do you have to offer?

Fact: You admit there are more than one interpretation and translation of the writings of islam, christianity, and judiaism.

Fact: For every example of a call for holy war that can be pointed to in any of the 'holy' books of the major religions - it is up to people to learn to live together in peace.

Fact: You call for unending war, you say _all_ muslim call for unending war.

What is the difference between you and your make-believe enemy?


Ben said...

Ema, your herpetological bloviation provides target rich environment which merits a post of its own.

I will therefore utter and publish "Learn to Read, Ema" in due time.

RightHooks said...

Islam is the aggressor. Israel should eliminate the threat. Entirely.

Anonymous said...

"Islam is the aggressor. Israel should eliminate the threat. Entirely."

"You can nuke them or you can attack their ideology"

The fact that you both seem perfectly okay with the option of a nuclear attack on civilians is really scary. Luckily, you guys are so far out on the fringes of American politics that no one remotely near a position of power will ever listen to your insane advice.

You are openly advocating crimes against humanity. According to the standards used in the Nuremberg trials, you would be found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to death.

I don't think I'm going to be coming back to this site anymore...

RightHooks said...

PW, Israel defending herself against an aggressor is wrong?

And where is your outrage at Islam which calls for and is murdering toward and "openly advocating crimes against humanity. According to the standards used in the Nuremberg trials, [they] would be found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to death."

Where is the outrage? Where is your outrage at the violation of [your own] standard?

Or is it only conservatives, Christians and Jews you are in to condemning?

Isn't that called hypocrisy?

But, of course it is.

Ben said...

Peckerhead, Islam is the crime against humanity.

As promised, I have now uttered & published a point by point refutation of Ema's shit. Learn to Read, EmaKilling prisoners of war who surrendered is a war crime. Abu Dawud Book 38, Number 4390: Moe beseiged the Banu Qurayzah for weeks, they surrendered, and he killed the adult males, examined the boys, and slew those who had developed pubic hair.

God damn Islam!!!

Raping captive women is a war crime. Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459 Moe gave tacit permission to rape captives.

God damn Islam!!!!

Self-defense is not a war crime. There is only one defense against Islam: extinction!

1400 years; 270 million victims.

God damn Islam!!!!!

Kyrie Eleison said...

Ben said...
God damn Islam!!!

Kyrie agrees . . .
God damn Islam!!!

Ema Nymton said...


Kyrie Eleison



Kyrie Eleison said...

And there we have it . . . Looks like you were right all along R.H. (or was it Ben who said this). Ema really is a man (after all). No fine lady (in her right mind anyway) would burp in public. Excuse yourself Ema, your lack of a polished upbringing is really beginning to show.