Friday, May 29, 2009

Double Double Standard Standard

Is it any wonder that, 'sheep' rhymes with, 'asleep' and, 'not a peep?'

Because when any conservative was ever nominated to the Supreme Court by a Republican president in the last twenty years, there was plenty of 'baa-aaing' by the main stream media. But now that a radical liberal whack, Judge Soto-whatever, has been nominated by radical liberal whack, Barack Obama, there is nary a sound coming from the left-stream media.

The same crowd which nit-picked and assassinated some fine, quality people, ones with actual integrity, now looks the other way as a bigoted, Constitution-mocking, unjust, and liberal political activist is put under the same spot light.

Only when it was a conservative nominee, the media's spotlight became a microscope. Where is the microscope now?

Where are the actual tough questions?

Where are the REAL questions?

Why will a left-stream media reporter or member of Congress NOT HOLD Ms. Soto-whatever TO THE SAME STANDARD that conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees were held to???

Is there any more proof necessary to make it obvious that the liberals and their propaganda wing, the main stream media, have a hypocritical double double standard standard?

Justice Clarence Thomas was crucified by the liberals in Congress and the liberal press. Remember Anita, 'The Thrill,' Hill? Why do you remember everything about that? Because the liberals made such a big deal out of whatever did or did not happen. They scrutinized and sifted everything with fine-tooth combs.

Yet they are completely silent, not a peep, about Judge Soto-whatever's RACIST comments which reveal her disdain for white people!

For the liberal with the double double standard standard, I'll repeat that: Yet they are completely silent, not a peep, about Judge Soto-whatever's RACIST comments which reveal her disdain for white people!

Where is the microscope this time, liberals?

Where is the fairness?

Where is the justice?

Where is the equality?

Where is the racial outrage?

What if a white man had said the exact same thing same about a Hispanic woman that Sonia Sotomayor said about white men? Would you be screaming then?

Of COURSE you would because you have a DOUBLE DOUBLE STANDARD STANDARD!

So we hear not a peep because you are asleep like good little Obama-sheep.


Ema Nymton said...



(Are the individuals in the picture your current love interests? You big fun-loving lug.)

There you go again, soiling your diaper over something that is not happening. I guess it all depends ...

Specifically, to what racist comment are you referring and by whom? Who is this Judge Soto-whatever's you are pissing on yourself about?

Where are the actual tough questions? Which actual tough questions do you want asked?

Where are the REAL questions? Which REAL questions do you want asked?

Where is the microscope this time, liberals? Fix Noise is lying to you.

Where is the fairness? Fix Noise is lying to you.

Where is the justice? Fix Noise is lying to you.

Where is the equality? Fix Noise is lying to you.

Where is the racial outrage? Fix Noise is lying to you.

Too baaaad you caaaant get aaaany baaaady to listen to your cwrying. Baaaaad adults just wwont wisten to poor little ol' me.

Bwaaaa, bwaaaa bwaaa.


RightHooks said...

I'll give you an A for effort and creativity, Ema. And an A- for humor (though I wonder why such things run through your mind).

Not a baaaaad job. Pretty funny.