Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Interrogation and Torture: False Equivalence

Jim has commented on Obamination: National Insecurity.
If waterboarding is not torture than why did we treat those who did it to our troops as war criminals in WWII? All your reasoning is in fact anti-law and anti-American. I suggest you re-consider your stand on this.

The "waterboarding" performed by convicted Japanese took two forms. One form was similar to that used by the CIA, but had two significant differences. The Japanese continued the treatment until their victim had a belly full of water, then they beat him or stomped his belly. Did the CIA fill Khalid Sheikh Mohammad with water? Did they beat him? Did they stomp him?

The second form involved tieing the victim to a ladder, with his throat up against a rung and his head hanging below the ladder. In that position he was dunked in a tub of water, submerged until he passed out. The victim was then revived and immersed again.

My source for that information is a post at Investor's Hub. In this Times Online article, linked in that forum post, a British officer who survived the water torture describes his experience. If you would like to know more about the torture performed by the Japanese who were convicted and hung, summon up all your intestinal fortitude and click this link.

Critical elements of the Japanese torture are missing from the CIA waterboarding, which was carried out with medical supervision and monitoring and did not involve saturation, beating or other physical injuries.

Jim is comparing interrogation to torture, ignoring the details which differentiate the two practices. It is obvious that he is ignorantly or maliciously repeating enemy propaganda. The moralistic tone of his comment leads me to conclude that he acts out of malice, not ignorance.


Ema Nymton said...


Ali Ben Ali Mohammad Abdul,

I love sophistry.

"Did the CIA fill Khalid Sheikh Mohammad with water?" Yes.

"Did they beat him?" Yes.

"Did they stomp him?" Yes.

Torture is against the law. About the only people who are for torture are anti-American pro-torture types like you and RightHooks.


RightHooks said...

Ben, Ema might do well to read Dick Cheney's words which so prodigiously apply to him:

"Yet for all these exacting efforts to do a hard and necessary job and to do it right, we hear from some quarters nothing but feigned outrage based on a false narrative. In my long experience in Washington, few matters have inspired so much contrived indignation and phony moralizing as the interrogation methods applied to a few captured terrorists.I might add that people who consistently distort the truth in this way are in no position to lecture anyone about values."


"This recruitment-tool theory has become something of a mantra lately, including from the president himself. And after a familiar fashion, it excuses the violent and blames America for the evil that others do. It's another version of that same old refrain from the left, We brought it on ourselves. "

Because this is what Ema and Ema's kind are creating in the terrorists' minds: (again from Cheney...)

"Instead, the terrorists see just what they were hoping for: our unity gone, our resolve shaken, our leaders distracted. In short, they see weakness and opportunity. "

And here's the stark difference between Ema's fantasy world and the real world: (frm Cheyney...)

"To the very end of our administration, we kept al-Qaida terrorists busy with other problems. We focused on getting their secrets, instead of sharing ours with them. And on our watch, they never hit this country again. "

Ema Nymton said...



Maybe you should get a spokes-person who has creditability.

"our watch, they never hit this country _again_."

But al-Qaida terrorists did hit he country even though Mr Cheney and shrub were warned!!

Losers following losers.

Torture is a crime. Mr Cheney is a war criminal.


RightHooks said...

Ema, we WERE hit again here in the US after 911?? Are you on crack?

Or are you talking about the envelopes of anthrax that YOU sent to Congress? Are you now wanting credit for that and feeling pretty proud of yourself and your other Muslim cowards/buddies, or something?

You, Ema, are an enemy of the United States of America. You are a closet Muslim and a threat to national security.

Take that. (Be sure to write from Gitmo.)

Ben said...

Dear Anus,
"I love sophistry."
Congratulations upon posting your first true statement; I hope it won't be your last.

"Did the CIA fill Khalid Sheikh Mohammad with water?" Yes.

Prove it, anus!!!

"Did they beat him?" Yes.
Prove it, anus!!!

"Did they stomp him?" Yes.
Prove it, anus!!!

RightHooks said...

Ben, Emma does not need to prove it, or anything, because, you see, just like any other liberal, Emma is omniscient. You know, like Michelle Obama and a million other libs who KNOW that if you did not vote for Obama, it is BECAUSE YOU ARE A RACIST. That does not need to be proven, it is simply KNOWN by the liberal.

Just like the war in Iraq 'was about oil' or that 'BUSH LIED.'

Or that waterboarding or water skiing or swimming, for that matter, is torture.

Democrats, you see, know EVERYTHING. You are guilty until proven innocent in their eyes.

And even then, you are still guilty.

Facts mean nothing to those who practice the religion of liberalism, such as Emma does, and are completely unnecessary and useless to them.

Ben said...

Those of us, RightHooks, who cogitate with brains instead of anuses require
relevant, verifiable facts and rational logic. Assumptions do not cut the mustard.

Debates are not won with rhetoric alone, evidence is required, and must be verifiable.

Kyrie Eleison said...

And remember gentlemen (R.H. and Ben)-only the democrats are allowed to use "torture" methods when a democratic POTUS is in office. Let's not discuss another one of the democrats double standards; or point out one of their prior "heros" (ahem Clinton's) methods of handling terrorists when he was in office. Let's not talk about how Clinton and HIS administration did MUCH worse than Bush (by far) and how he sent terrorists to Egypt (ahem, does "rendition" ring any bells here???). Where was all the whining, bitching, pissing and moaning about "rights" and "water boarding" then?? Bet Clinton's "victims" would LOVE to have "experienced" Gitmo.

Ben said...

Nay more, Kyrie! I read yesterday that Obamanation, instead of capturing terrorists they discover, is finking to foreign nations that routinely engage in torture and letting them do it. Obamanation is also continuing special rendition, in which captive terrorists are turned over to states that torture.

Obamanantion: Goddamn hypocrites!!!