Monday, December 29, 2008

Iran to Act Against Israel

It looks like Iran wants to come to the ball.

According to an Iranian spokesman, Iran's grand pubah, Ayatollah Ali Khameini, called on all Muslims to join in on the dance against Israel. The Ayatollah said all Muslims were 'duty bound' to fight on behalf of the Palestinians. In fact, he went so far as to issue a 'fatwa,' or official and binding religious call to arms, against Israel.

Currently Israel is pounding Hamas into the Gaza sand and it is not clear whether Iran plans on joining in via the puppets it has with Hezbollah or if they will man-up and try to go it by herself.

All westerners should pay attention to this as any involvement by Iran will most likely bring in the United States war machine; that is if Israel needs our help, which they may not. For neither Iran, Hezbollah nor Hamas have seen what Israel is really capable of.

And should Syria get overconfident and do something stupid, Israel will have some smackdown for them too.

Could it be that these loud-mouths like Hezbollah's Nasrallah and Iran's Achmadinejad might both be called to cash the checks their words have written? Could it be that Israel actually asserts itself instead of sitting back and taking crap from everybody in the region and the UN as well? Could it be that Iran has a hand in its own political demise? Don't be surprised if Israel finally flexes and does a number on these beasts.

For if they try to take a real bite out of Israel, Iran as we know it will cease to exist.

Pardon me while I go find a Kleenex...

Read the whole story on the Debka File:

1 comment:

Ben said...

List me among the skeptics. Olmert is acting reluctantly, due to extreme domestic political pressure.

Israel's ruling class does not have the spine for it. No SISU.

My guess is that Hezbollah will sit on the sidelines, waiting until Israel uses up her munitions on Hamas, then they will strike while Israel is fatigued and short on ammo.

My presumption is that Iran will work exclusively through her local proxies.

Once again, Israel will bow to international bitching & caterwauling.She will end her attacks without attaining the strategic objective, and it will be counted as a defeat just as the recent Lebanon war was.

I'd like to be proven wrong this time. I won't be.