Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obama Extorting Nebraska Senator

In a page right out of Chicago politics, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Sadaam Hussein's Iraq or the current Iranian administration, a senate staffer has reported that Obama's White House has threatened to close a Nebraska Air Force base unless Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson plays ball and votes for Obama's Socialist Health Care debacle.

The Weekly Standard's Michael Goldfarb has reported that the aide said the White House has made it clear to Senator Nelson that unless his Democratic vote is in favor of the Health Care bill, Offutt Air Force abse, home of the Strategic Air Command, will be closed.

This is called extortion.

It is illegal.

It is what mafia members go to jail for.

And yet it is happening in the White House.

This is absolutely unacceptable, but par for the course for Obama the demagogue. Subversion, sedition, treason, take your pick - it is illegal and unacceptable.

WorldNet Daily reports
that twenty Republicans have demanded an investigation into these allegations.

Hopefully it willl lead to Obama's arrest, conviction and impeachment, because it ought to. Hopefully he and all his thug cronies can share a cell with the terrorists in the Illinois prison Obama is trying to bring them to.

Please, Santa, bring us such a Christmas present and get Obama the Grinch out of office.


Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"This is absolutely unacceptable, but par for the course for Obama the demagogue. Subversion, sedition, treason, take your pick - it is illegal and unacceptable.

WorldNet Daily reports that twenty Republicans have demanded an investigation into these allegations.

Hopefully it willl lead to Obama's arrest, conviction and impeachment, because it ought to. Hopefully he and all his thug cronies can share a cell with the terrorists in the Illinois prison Obama is trying to bring them to.

Please, Santa, bring us such a Christmas present and get Obama the Grinch out of office."

Do you ever get tired of being made to look foolish? Or do you stand by Michael Goldfarb and
WorldNet Daily?

Really? I mean really? Really really?


RightHooks said...


I absolutely stand with Michael Goldfarb and WorldNetDaily.

And one year from now, after judgment day (election day 2010), you communists are the ones who will realize that you are standing in public with your pants down.

Merry Christmas, Emma.

Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,

"I absolutely stand with Michael Goldfarb and WorldNetDaily."

Lying your way to the truth is no way to go.

Happy Winter Solstice 2009
