Monday, June 29, 2009

Supreme Court Overturns Racist Judge's Verdict

Obama Supreme Court justice nominee Sonya Sotowhatever's credibility was permanently washed down the drain today as the Supreme Court overturned her racist ruling she made at the district level.

So, though Obama, Pelosi and liberal propaganda press continue to have wool pulled over their eyes, it is now not only conservatives who can see Sotowhatever for the racist she is, but so can the Supreme Court.

Their decision states clearly that there was no merit to Sotowhatever's judgement which came against some New England firefighters, besides the racial prejudice exercised by her.

And it wasn't just 'white males' on the Supreme Court who handed her her career earlier today, so their judgement was certain not to be tainted...since 'white males' apparently have a deficiency in decision-making according to the racist herself.

Yet Obama still wants you to believe that she is qualified for the position of Supreme Court justice. And he's got some swamp land in Florida he wants to sell you, too...

Which begs the question, why would anyone support a racist judge unless he was a racist himself?



Ema Nymton said...


Domestic "christian" Terrorist,


Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk ... (((((yawn)))))


RightHooks said...

Ema the Racist Communist,

Nothing to contribute, as usual, huh?
