Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama Hates America; Loves Power

IN yet another display of the Orwellian-ly consistent liberal ideologies of protecting the guilty and punishing the innocent, calling evil good and good evil, telling people that freedom is slavery and slavery is freedom, Barack Obama has clandestinely set forth a policy to Mirandize enemy combatants in Afghanistan and other international parts of the world who are at war with the United States of America.

Friends are enemies and enemies are friends?

The policy is a lie. For part of the Miranda Rights, which protects American citizens, says, "You have the right to remain silent; and you have the right to an attorney..." No they don't. These are rights of American citzens. These terrorists who are at war with this country and who are killing Americans deserve to die when our military finally catches up with them; they don't have 'the right' to an attorney! Who would give them such a right? Certainly not the U.S. Constitution which the terrorists are working to overthrow. So where do they get these 'rights' that Obama insists they have?

It can be nothing other than 'rights' given them by Obama himself; only because he says so. Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, he does not have the authority to grant American citizenship rights to foreign enemy combatants. No power or authority on this planet gives Obama any grounds to oath that terrorists have any 'rights' related to silence, attorneys or any other such thing found in the Miranda Rights.

This is not a slippery slope; it is a vertical drop-off. For where does it end? Should our soldiers stop fighting and pick up shell casings the enemy fired so we can get fingerprints and prove the terrorists guilt in an American court? Shall the bullets be removed from slain American soldiers and be ran through ballistics tests so as to prove the terrorist defendant shot the fatal bullet? Shall our forces tape off battlefields as crime scenes so forensic detectives can come in and scour the scene for evidence?

You can easily see that there is no logical end to the madness. It is simple insanity.

What's more, it endangers the lives of American troops in the field by eliminating intelligence gathering, and civilians everywhere.

So is Barack Obama protecting Americans? No. But isn't that what he was elected to do? Yes.

If it has not been obvious to you by now that Barack Obama loves power, not America, then this latest action should either slam it home into your mind, or you might want to consider yourself a lost cause, too.

What else can explain his strategic, methodical attack on every critical aspect of American life and culture? If you doubt this, please name a critical aspect which he has not already undermined, stuck his fingers into, or is manipulating to do so?

Barack Obama hates America and has no intention of protecting us or benefitting the American people in any way. He hates Israel and is working to aid Israels' enemies. His loyalty is to his own attainment, possession and maintenance of power.

The leader of the Fifth Column in the war against America is none other than the presumptuous Commander in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.

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