Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Rise of the Age of License

America just voted itself the license to do whatever it wants to.

Slithering out of sixteen bitter years of Democratic agitation and foment, the spineless creature has evolved from blurring ethics under the Clintons, to brazen revolution under Obama.

No longer is it necessary to defer to any standard of morality, behavior or sense of right and wrong. None of that matters to the modern liberal agenda, the self-described 'progressive' creature. In fact to suggest that something is idealistically wrong, like, say homosexual 'marriage,' or abortion, is to "judge" people, according to any liberal you run in to. The measures of decency that were the plumb-line for American culture since its inception have no use in this new age.

For they have been replaced by something else. That is, objective right and wrong are no longer essential elements or currency in the directions that this country is now going. Ask most any college professor about anything and what you are likely to get is a philosophy class of radical liberal indoctrination for an answer. A generation of such 'value-neutral' geniuses in our higher educational campuses has eradicated the need for our young people to be concerned about whatever might be right, or whatever might be wrong; such terms have been neutered and are now useless.

Or drop in on any of your traditional national news networks. There you will be greeted by the confident and convinced news anchors and reporters, banging the drums and cheering up the crowd in the progressive parade, offering incantations of optimism while at the same time undermining everything that this country was founded upon which also gives them the very platform for their stage.

How about spending some time with the National Geographic Channel, or anything similar, and hearing with certainty, day after day, how man has evolved; how such and such happened a million, thirteen million, no, one point two billion years ago. The Big Bang happened. An asteroid killed the dinosaurs. Neathandral man was not only real, but he fought against us; and now they are even pronouncing his name in a new way. And what ever happened to the term, B.C.? Have you noticed that the 'authoratative academics' have attempted to shelve that term (so as to fit in with their godless peers?) and use one not so offensive to them? Yes, B.C. and A.D. have been usurped by the less foolish, er, religious-sounding terms, B.C.E. and C.E (Before Common Era, and Common Era.) What was wrong with B.C.? It must not be enlightened enough.

And then there is the 'Separation of Church and State' myth and its teeming, religiously-faithful hordes. 'Don't preach to me,' they say, 'the Constitution says that the church and the state should have a wall of separation between them. ' Don't you wish sometimes that that wasn't in the Constitution? Oh, that's right, it isn't. It is a referential fabrication and twist of something Thomas Jefferson said to concerned leaders of the Danbury Baptist Church who were concerned that the state would encroach on the church. Now it is invoked by those afraid that the church will encroach on the state. But it is not in the Constitution. And I wish that such heed was taken by the 'progressive' crowd to the other things that Thomas Jefferson and many other Founding Fathers said, not just convenient twists; but of course that would mean abandoning hypicrisy, so I suppose that will not be happening any time soon.

I'm not even going to go into the thug-culture.

So with all the best ideologies that the 60's counter-culture has implanted into our higher learning institutions, with the adoption as gospel any theory that an academic has conjured, with the complicity and involvement of media bubble heads, with the ethical natural selection crowd whittling out values, with the rise of the belligerent homosexual agenda and horrific murders of innocent infants in their mother's own wombs, and with the minimalism of Christ, God and anything church, our country has spawned a valueless culture of wrong. It is
The Age of License.

What is important now is not related to any objective standard of right and wrong; such archaic restrictions have been replaced by something else. And if you look closely, you can see what that is.

What is the common theme in the whole of this liberal revolution? Besides hate. What element is present in every platform this excular ('extremely-secular'...Hey, I just made a word up!) movement has manufactured as a legitimate issue? Think about it...

What has happened is that right and wrong is no longer defined by what we have always known right and wrong to be; it has been replaced in meaning. Now right and wrong is defined by this: 'what I want.'

Is abortion wrong? No...because I want one, it cannot be wrong. Is homosexual 'marriage' wrong? No...because I want it to be right, it is right. Is lying wrong? No, it will get me elected, so it is not wrong.

When objective standards are removed from society as the cultural norms, what happens is fracture, and the culture reduces to independant tribal behavior. The Gays. The Abortionists. The Greens. Blacks. Whites. Hispanics. Muslims. Everyone has separate standards, definitions of right and wrong, and unique agendas. No longer are any of us Americans, we are tribalists, loyal to our own and weary of all others.

And then when confrontation happens, power is the only rule. For right and wrong are relative to the tribe, and what the tribe 'wants.'

What would happen an hour after a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court that President-elect Obama was ineligible to be President because he was not born on US soil? You and I both know what would happen, because tribes are not concerned about right and wrong, they are concerned about what they want. American cities would burn. People would be denied what they wanted, and burn cities because they would not get it. There would be no regard or respect for what the United States Constitution says; what would matter is defined by what I want.

So lawlessness, faction, friction and separatism are what is in store for this country in this Age of License, this age of do-whatever-I want.

And B. Hussein O. will have been the first President of the Dis-United States of America.

I hope all the liberals are happy. They are going to get exactly the creature that they, themselves, have wanted.



Ema Nymton said...


Take a deep breath.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Now relax.

Mr Obama has not even taken the oath of office and you are already soiling yourself

After the years of demonstrated hate, violence, greed, grief and graft that have been Right Wing Conservatism, it is amazing you can even use words like 'decency,' 'right,' and 'wrong.'

As for the rest, Abe Lincoln was the first to handle the issue of Dis-United States of America. USA will survive.

Take another deep breath.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Now relax.


RightHooks said...

No need to counsel or talk down to me like I am a child. I am likely older and more experienced than you.

Besides, why, 'respect for religious beliefs,' one day and no respect the next?

Me: The sky is blue
You: The sky is brown
Me: The sky is blue
You: The sky is brown,
ad nauseam...

I've thought you were a Muslim; I know you are a liberal; still not ruling out the Muslim. I assume you are a male. I assume you live in Virginia.

So what's you deal? Who are you, generally speaking?

And where are you going for Thanksgiving?

Have a nice Thanksgiving, nonetheless.