Monday, October 20, 2008

Michelle Obama, Democrats Are Omniscient

Michelle Obama is omniscient (which, for our pagan, Dumbocrat friends, means all-knowing.) Yes she is all-knowing. And so are all Democrats.

How do we know this? Well, it is because Michelle Obama can read the motives of your heart when you go cast your vote. She can tell that if you do not vote for her socialist husband in the upcoming election, you did not vote for him because you are a racist.

Yes, if you do not vote for Obama, it is because you are a slave-owning, cross-burning KKK piece of trash who is nothing but a hateful bigot. You are a racist puke if you do not vote for Obama.

Racist, racist, racist. You; you're a racist.

Of course this is what Michelle accused the African press corp of in her recent phone call to them because they had done their jobs, which was to report the news. Because the news was related to the fact that Barack Obama is a crony of a Kenyan thug, and now prime minister who has promised to establish Islamic Shariah Law in Kenya, Michelle Obama claims that the African Press International (API) reported on this because they were "racists."

Think about that one for a moment...

But that is not all. Recently an American youth wore a McCain-Palin t-shirt to school and was also labelled 'a racist' by someone who obviously shares Michelle Obama's intelligence level and omniscient insight. In fact, it is now politically correct, thanks to the left field's propaganda arm, the mainstream media, to associate voting for McCain with being a racist. If you vote for McCain, you are a racist. Period.

Isn't it liberating to know that there is an element of society that can read the minds, hearts, and intentions of everyone else in the country, and even in Africa? It is simply thrilling to know that Michelle Obama and the Democrats can look into all the hearts of their fellow Americans, and those in the AIP, of course, and judge what motivates their actions. It is amazing! I didn't think that was possible. I thought only God (this for the liberals, "God" is the name we use for the Supreme Being of the universe) was able to judge the hearts and minds of people, not Democrats!

But then again, there WAS another Biblical character that, if I remember correctly, Michelle Obama's behavior has parallels was that character who presumed to know the hearts of others, and spent a lot of time challenging their motives and questioning their intentions ...oh, yes, he was called 'The Accuser.' His other name was Satan.

He presupposed that it was his duty to evaluate the hearts, minds and intentions of God's creatures by taking what was, wrapping it up in a package of accusation and condemnation, and presenting it as truth to God. Or visa-versa.

Yes, the Accuser could easily dish out things about a person, passing it off as revelation or truth. Of course it didn't actually have to be truth, it just had to be a suggestion presented as the truth. Like Michelle Obama's accusation, judgement and condemnation of the API who reported the news about Barack Obama because they are 'racists.'

Since Mrs. Obama and the Democrats are the only ones in the campaign with this ability, the rest of us are left to wonder when such abilities to judge a man will come to non-Democrats and people who are not militant black radicals...or are they the only ones that can see completely inside a man's soul?

Which begs the question, of course, why don't they have any mirrors?

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