This used to be about a Presidential race. But with Michelle Obama's recent attacks on the African Press International (API) where she accused them of publishing a story because they were 'racists,' it appears that it is no longer about a Presidential race, it is just about race, period.
Toss in Democrat John Murtha's comments that suggest anyone who does not vote for Obama is a 'racist' or a 'redneck,' and you have accurate representation of what rung in the gutter the Democrats and all those out in left field have sunk to in this election. Everywhere there is the association that if you fail to vote for Obama, you are a racist.
But the shoe is entirely on the wrong foot here...for is a 'racist' not the person who would vote for a candidate because of the candidate's race? Such a person, a 'racist,' makes his decisions based on race, not because he agrees with the candidate's policies. Racism determines his decisions, not reason.
Michelle Obama supposed that the individuals of API were, individually, each a racist and were motivated to print a truthful story because Barack Obama is black. Of course this boggles the mind (see previous post) and demands the question, how can Michelle Obama, John Murtha, the whacked lefty-college professor, Madonna, or any body KNOW WHAT MOTIVATES ANOTHER PERSON'S VOTE???
Where do these people get off on ASSUMING that they can judge a person's heart, motivation and intent? Who gives them the right to so harshly judge and condemn other human beings like this? Is it not blatantly obvious and evident to all that when one claims to have such deep insight into another person's soul, which we all know is impossible, it is the same as announcing to the world, "I am a moron; I am a dope. And if you believe me, you are also a clueless dope."
Yet liberals have swallowed the dope - hook, line and sinker. They now assume that indeed it is true, if you do not vote for Obama, you are a racist.
Now I am not a Howard Stern fan. I strongly disagree with his selfish treatment of women. But even he could see through this foolishness, this Audacity of Dope, on behalf of the Obama campaign, as they are deliberately making this election about race.
Recently Stern sent a team out into New York city to interview people about the election. What his team did, however, was, when they found an Obama supporter, they asked about policies, and if the person agreed with the policy. Only the interviewers secretly exchanged McCain policies for Obama's policies so the person was being presented a McCain policy as if it was Obama's. And every time, the person being interviewed agreed with the policy if he thought it was an Obama policy.
Run that through your head a few times.
This election is all about race to many voters because Barack and Michelle Obama, and the Democratic machine, have deliberately made this about race to be able to win an election. They have inserted a harmful, divisive element into this society. The very ones who claim to be fighting racism, are indeed CAUSING RACISM.
This is shameful!
What hypocrisy.
This indeed, is the Audacity of Dope.
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