Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quagmire Alert! - Dead End Left Does It Again

What ever happened to We The People? How does a circus court in California get to establish a law? I thought that is what elected representatives did. While homosexuals from all over the country are likely racing to the state to pretend to get married, most people are enraged at the audacity and arrogance of the foolish judges who have greatly overstepped their bounds and we have all simply HAD ENOUGH.

Once again, we see liberal philosophy, spin, agenda, and (lack-of-) values on shining display. This week's lesson is on How to Subvert Democracy and the Will of the People. No longer does the term, We The People, apply to this country; it is now evident that the more appropriate term should be, We the People and the Baboon We Are Chained To. Have you ever tried to get anything accomplished or go where you wanted to with a baboon tied to your arm?

We have example after example of the futility of the left's philosophy, the blindness of their causes, the lethality of their mindless policies and, frankly, the core of their ideologies which attack the very foundations of American social order. Hey, can we finally all wake up now? The sixties are over. The hippie, far-left, socialist, free-love, free-drugs, relativist, anti-establishment ideas that were the basis of all this 'free-thinking' and liberality just can no longer be accepted as viable in the grown-up world. It just doesn't work. Probably because it is not based on reality, but on fantasy and Utopian pipe dreams.

But a man MARRYING a man; or a woman MARRYING a woman? This is simply unreal. Bob Hellam, a razor-sharp truth-tender, explains the situation so very well in his recent letter to his county clerk in California. I will share the entire letter, sparing the specific names and places:

Dear Mr. [County Clerk]:

I could not reach you by telephone a few days ago, so I thought I would write a letter instead.

Government cannot create reality. A law or a court decision or a constitutional amendment that declared a circle to be square, or that attempted to repeal the law of gravity, or that stipulated that words would mean exactly what any given judge determined that they mean, would have no real validity. Hence, the millennia-old understanding of what marriage is cannot be invalidated by judicial fiat. There is no such thing as same-sex “marriage,” even if the State of California maintains that such a thing does exist.

Those who have argued that the California Supreme Court had no right to legislate on marriage, and that the Governor’s office also has no such right, make a convincing argument. Now is the time to stand for truth, even if it requires courage.

Please be courageous. Support the will of the people of California, and the people of [this] County, even if it means contradicting the opinion of the California Supreme Court and the Governor. The responsibility for maintaining the integrity of marriage records in our county is yours, not theirs.

Please do not allow same-sex “marriage” in [this] County.


Robert Hellam

Mr. Hellam sees the truth, and says so quite plainly and elegantly; but such is apparently not clear to the baboon. Has it ever been more obvious to people who are not baboons that our culture and society is racing down a dead end road, toward a cataclysmic crash if we allow the baboon any more time at the wheel? The fact that they have led us into a social quagmire has never been more crystal clear.

Baboon policies demanded that we build no more oil refineries. Then they demanded that we not drill for oil off shore. Then they demanded that we not drill in Alaska. Where have their policies gotten us?

Baboons yelled and screamed that we not take out Sadaam Hussein himself when he invaded Kuwait in the early 1990's, whining that we should only expel him from Kuwait, and now look where we are. What, did they think he would go away? Was he going to change his colors or start being a nice guy to his neighbors? Baboons are nothing if not totally naieve.

But their solution was the oil-for-food program to be directed by the United Nations. Yeah, that sure went well, didn't it? Guys in the UN on the take. France on the take. Sadaam kicking weapons inspectors out. Sadaam violating cease-fire agreements that he made with General Schwartzkopf to prevent his annihilation. And the whole time, the baboon looks the other way. See no evil.

Now baboons are grumbling and complaining about how evil our own soldiers are, while at the same time trying to give American citizenship rights to our ENEMIES who are prisoners in Guantanamo. You know, people who have killed Americans and seek her overthrow...terrorists not killed in battle. Yes, the baboon is more concerned about the life of a murderer than he is about the life of a US soldier, an innocent unborn child, a redwood, or a baby seal.

It seems that every baboon, liberal policy has death at the end. Death for the unborns, death for our soldiers, death for our families (how do Adam and Steve produce children, by the way?), death to our values, death for our culture, death for Israel. The only people who the baboon doesn't want to die are the violent, aggressive and murdering cultures like [insert your favorite terrorist group here] who seek the overthrow of our country and of western society.

Are they willing to confront Iran? Of course not, Iran is not bad. Now, a few days after Iran uses its nuclear bombs on Israel or America, the baboons might awake from their slumber enough to say, 'Hey, that was wrong,' (and then blame conservatives, of course) but not long enough to keep them focussed on a sustained response. But, you see, it should never come to having to initiate a response; not since Germany and World War II, it shouldn't. The time to prevent a bellicose Iran from executing the Second Holocaust is NOW; yet the baboon resists this course of action at every turn. (He must be too busy performing all those homosexual 'marriages.')

There is no way that our society can or will survive any more of the lunacies arriving from a godless, ridiculous left-wing ideology. It is suicidal to our country, to our culture, and it has got to stop. We have got to stop it. They have led us into a despicable, perverted cultural quagmire. If our forefathers were here, they certainly would rebel against the liberal's fast track to hell that they are steering us toward.

It's time to yank back the wheel from the out-of-control left-wing baboon; no matter what it takes.


Ema Nymton said...


Marriage is an economic contract between people. The agreement is recognized by the state to be legally binding and lasts as long as the consenting parties meet the terms of agreement. This is one of the fundamentals of contract law.

So please explain why one has a problem with the legal idea of "... a man MARRYING a man; or a woman MARRYING a woman? ..."?

Thank you,

Ema Nymton


Ema Nymton said...



I found your blog. It is interesting and very funny.

Let me take a moment to introduce myself. I am a liberal, Muslim-Jewish-Catholic. I am looking forward to serious conversations with you.


Ema Nymton

RightHooks said...

ema nymton, it is fantasy to be a muslim-catholic-jew, for if you claim to be all, you are none.

Is marriage just 'an economic contract'? and subject only to 'contract' law of 'the state'?

As keen as you seem to be on the importance of civilian 'contract law,' it is surprising that a muslim-catholic-jew is so willfully ignorant of moral law as well.

So let me ask you a question: what is sin?

Ema Nymton said...


Your assumption that I am "... willfully ignorant of moral law as well. ..." is not valid. The issues of moral law make interesting intellectual and religious discussions.

The original post though was about state following the written law not religious concepts. There is no reason to lose self control because the state follows the written law.

One of the greatest fundamental bedrock principles of USA is the separation of church and state. This has been an outstanding idea holding the country together. Written law is clearly understood. The judges stated the state must follow the law.

"...So let me ask you a question: what is sin?"

The concept of 'sin' is a highly interesting western religious concept. I expect that you recognize that things may be sin but not illegal.

As long as one believes there exist one god, then one can easily be a Muslim-Jewish-Catholic.

Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...


A. Not only is your name backwards, but so is your answering ability. Instead of answering the question, "What is sin," you attempted to sidestep ths issue twice, HERE: "The issues of moral law make interesting intellectual and religious discussions," AND HERE: "The concept of 'sin' is a highly interesting western religious concept." What's the matter, you got skeletons in your closet or something? Evasion is lame.

B. You said, "One of the greatest fundamental bedrock principles of USA is the separation of church and state." I challenge you to demonstrate where the words, "separation of church and state" are in the Constitution. Good luck with that.

C. You said, "The original post though was about state following the written law not religious concepts." No it wasn't. And I should know because I wrote it. It was about the idiocy of the left-wing's ideologies and how we as a nation are doomed if we let these baboons continue to impose their lunacy on us.

D. You said, "As long as one believes there exist one god, then one can easily be a Muslim-Jewish- Catholic." This declaration makes it extremely obvious that you have a very shallow understanding of any of them. Perhaps in a baboon's 'relativistic, all-inclusive, let's -not-offend, let's-just-tolerate-each-other's-
religious views,' fantasy this can possibly make sense, but make no mistake that it has nothing to do with the true nature of Islam, Catholicism or Judaism. It's just smoke from another liberal pipe-dream.

Ema Nymton said...



A. What is sin? Sin not something I worry about. May I suggest you stop judging other people's action and allow your god to do the judging.

B. "...I challenge you to demonstrate where the words, "separation of church and state" are in the Constitution. Good luck with that. ..." Oh wow, the words are not in the Constitution. That means it does not exist?

C. I am sure you can understand how I may have made a mistake about the original post. The writer of the original post was feeling sorry for himself and was extremely upset because the state's law court ruled that the state had to follow the written state law.

The writer of the original post had had enough of the rule of secular law. The original poster wanted the court to rule that religious law somehow should have been used to make the determination as to who should be allowed to marry whom. (This sounds rather familiar to the religious courts under Islamic religious Sharia law.) So I wanted to point out that the separation of church and state has helped keep USA a good place to live.

D. "...the true nature of Islam, Catholicism or Judaism. ..." is that there exists _one_ god. How one prays to god is a minor matter of cultural differences. As long as one believes that there is only one god, does it matter how one worships god??

"...relativistic, all-inclusive, let's -not-offend, let's-just-tolerate-each-other's-
religious views,' ..." Well I sure do hope tolerance is seen as a positive goal in USA. I am sure you are not suggesting that USA should not tolerate others. Or are you one of those who feels that those who do not agree with him and his religious beliefs shold be killed? (Again sounding close to the religious extremists in Iran.)

BTW - Nothing I write here is intended to insult you. I respect your points of view, I just do not agree with some of what you write.


Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...


A. Sin is not something you worry about? Well, you should because God is holy and we are not. I am not judging your sin, I am fully aware of my own, but unless you walk on water, you are human like me and your eternal destiny could be affected by sin like all of ours can and is. How can something unclean dwell with something that is pure without polluting the one who is pure? We need changing and ignoring it does not change the reality.

B. The myth of separation of church and state does liberals' minds.

C. The writer of the original post (me) was not feeling sorry for himself. He was just vehemently pointing out the incredible danger of baboon policies.

You said, "The original poster wanted the court to rule that religious law somehow should have been used to make the determination as to who should be allowed to marry whom." No not that 'religious law' should have been used but the same MORALITY that was the basis of the laws instituted by our founding fathers. All law is based on some form of morality, right and wrong. Because liberals and homosexuals attempt to redefine right and wrong by their rejection of what all cultures have always known to be right and wrong, does not suddenly make it right. I can say the sky is green but that does not change its color.

D. Perhaps on a superficial level one could say that all three are monotheistic, but the similarity ends there. Jews and Catholics do not worship allah, the Saudi moon god, regardless what spin you have heard and obviously believed.

"Tolerance"?? Tolerance is good except when people tolerate evil; then it is the worst condition imaginable. Islam is evil; therefore I am intolerant of it and it is in our best interest as a nation to outlaw it for the seditious, murdering cult that it is.

You do not offend me. It's just a blog. And such discussions are merely ping-pong.

Ema Nymton said...



A. "...discussions are merely ping-pong."
Thank you. I am happy that we agree. Writing at people's blog can be tricky. Some blog writers cannot handle differences of opinion and ban those who do not back down.

B. Sin is something between the individual and god. Let us leave it there.

C. Parsing the meaning of morality so as to get around the religious basis of morality does not get one very far. Using morality to determine right from wrong has not been overly successful in USA. Morality was used to try to ban the marriage between races (blacks could not marry whites because it was immoral) and morality was a basis for the institution of slavery (freeing slaves was immoral because the slave needed to be taken care of).

D. Allah is a word for god. Islam is a religion based on the concept of submitting to the word of god. Religion is as good/evil as the people who follow it. Half of all the world's misery can be placed at the feet of people who try to use religion to advance their secular goals. Islam, Judaism and Christianity are alike in this manner.

Each religion's holy text is filled with stories of how followers of X can claim the right to act or to own lands because X says so. Winners write the history and the losers suffer.

The Constitution of USA is quite clear.

Amendment I states:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... "

So please tell US how you propose to out-law a religion and its law biding followers?


Ema Nymton

RightHooks said...


B. You said, "Sin is something between the individual and god. Let us leave it there." Isn't this called 'denial'??

C. Some level of morality is ALWAYS the basis for law. Right vs. wrong. And ultimately, each law is based on a certain standard. The basis for the standards for US law, according to MANY, MANY writings of the founding fathers, IS THE BIBLE...Judea-Christian ideologies. You cannot argue that because that is our history. Because liberals choose to ignore morality today does not mean our history has been changed. And yes, slavery was wrong.

D. You said, "Allah is a word for god. Islam is a religion based on the concept of submitting to the word of god." This is SOOO wrong. Allah is NOT another word for the God of the Judeo-Christian is from the Saudi moon-god. If you read the qu'ran, you will see quite easily that the 'god' of Islam is characteristically unrecognizable from the God of the Bible. You are going to believe it just because Muslim (and therefore liberal) spin says it is the same? Read it for yourself. It's a bunch of garbage.

E. You said, "The Constitution of USA is quite clear.
Amendment I states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof... "
So please tell US how you propose to out-law a religion and its law biding followers?"

Well, it just so happens that I answered this question recently when you asked it on another Right Hooks post. Allow me to post that same response here with minor changes:

1. When the founding fathers said religion, they meant 'demonination;' Christianity was assumed. It did not mean a false religion like islam is.

2. Since islam does not recognize the authority of the US Constitution, which you quoted, and teaches that it be subverted by Sharia Law, it is therefore treasonous, which is illegal. One day people will wake up in the USA and it will be outlawed.

And by the time we get pushed that far, life for muslims living in the USA will be rough, because there is a line that can be crossed, which continued terrorism will eventually find. When it is you will see Americans mobilized. And keep in mind that we have over 200 million guns in this country. Yup, it will get ugly.

So, Islam will eventually lose its 'religion' status, and rightly so, and be declared a treasonous ideology and then outlawed. When its my turn to be dictator, it will be the first decree from my lips.

Ema Nymton said...


Happy Fourth Of July to you. It is easy to see you have a solid understanding of the freedoms USA has stood for since its beginning.

The Constitution is the supreme written law of USA. You can read it for yourself. The web site will give tons of information to help you understand, USA is a secular country with secular laws.

I do not know what the founding fathers meant and I do not care. The written law is clear; religion is religion. Your not understanding Islam does not make Islam a non-religion.

When you get your chance to be dictator then I will change my position and I will keep my weapons loaded.

RightHooks said...


I need not examine your website to have an understanding of the constitution. I have read the constitution. I taught the constitution for years. I know full what it says and what the intent of its authors was, regardless if you care or not.

You said I do not understand Islam. You are wrong there too. I have read the quran. I have several translations. I KNOW what it says and how its teachings command the true follower to engage and conquer all those who are not Muslims. I could list for you verse after verse of commands to kill the infidel, terrorize them in the rear, slay them wherever you find them. I could show you example after example for the other texts sacred to Muslims which command the same thing. I could show you in your own annals of history how your people followed these decrees and wiped out culture after culture. I could show you how Mohammed's own example and his own words, according to your texts, totally invalidate any claim you might try to present to the House of War, that is, all the world that is not currently Islam, that Islam is a 'peaceful and tolerant' religion. Its own words and its own history declare the complete opposite.

Far from a 'religion,' Islam has proven itself to be nothing but a murdering, demonic, supremacist cult. Hence it is a false religion.

And one day, it will be legally demonstrated to be such, and it will be legally demonstrated to be treasonous to the United States Constitution. With or without me being dictator.

But keep them weapons loaded...if you're a muslim, you'll need them. All it would take is for someone to tell Bubba and all his redneck buddies that Muslims killed Dale Earnhardt, and you will need every gun at your disposal. Muslims have no concept of rednecks and have never calculated in the redneck factor. So don't make me tell the rednecks that Muslims killed Dale Earnhardt...

Ema Nymton said...


As you say you taught the Constitution for years, then you know the Constitution as written law _is_ the law. USA is a land of law.

"...Far from a 'religion,' Islam has proven itself to be nothing but a murdering, demonic, supremacist cult. Hence it is a false religion. ..."
One seems to have missed a great distinction. Men have decided to use Islam for their own purposes. Much like the 'Church' in the European Middle Ages, men used the "Bible" to send warriors off to kill, rape and pillage in the name of Christ (Onward Christian Soldiers). The horrors unleashed by holy fanatics in God's (Allah's) name are the same today as back in the Crusades.

Fear not the men who _may_ try to attack USA. They can perhaps knock down a building and kill people, but they do not threaten the people and government of USA.

A greater threat to USA comes from frightened people in USA who seem to have lost confidence in USA as one nation.

You may want to try to say it is us (rednecks) versus them (rag-heads). It is not. It is not treason to disagree, no matter how disagreeable one's terms are. (So please keep your threats to yourself.)

The law is here to protect all the people. The courts (as in the OP) work to protect all.


Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...


The only threat I made was that I threatened to tell Bubba and the rednecks that Muslims killed Dale Earnhardt. Also, I don't use the term, 'raghead' because that would make me a redneck, and I am not.

Yes, the Constitution is the law. And Islam cannot submit to any law except Sharia law which is what they believe is the law from god whom they erroneously call Allah. Mohammed said this and the imamns in mosques around the country and world also say this. I know....I have read the texts and I also have been inside Muslim mosques myself and listened to their hate speech. So if it is simply, 'Men have decided to use Islam for their own purposes,' why is it happening around the world? Wake up and smell the coffee, Notmyname, Islamic ideology is on a consistent, world-wide supremacist power-grab; they are a treasonous threat to this country and every country that does not currently embrace Sharia law. You can deny it all you want but the fact is is that it is happening. And it has happened continuously since Mohammed, the first terrorist, started his own conquering campaign.

As for the Crusades, have you read the history of what Muslims were up to that elicited the response of Europe? Do you know who Charles, 'The Hammer" Martel was? He was the hero who stopped the Islamic invasion of Europe at the battle of Tours in the 10 century A.D. Prior to that Islam was on a typical conquest to conquer more land and cultures. Whatever the Muslims suffered at the hands of the Crusaders they brought upon themselves because of this never-ending desire to kill and conquer. I've got no problem with the Crusades; they simply brought the battle to the lands of where it originated from. If Muslims would just stay at home and live in peace instead of trying to conquer The House of War, or any land that is not Islamic, then they wouldn't do things like draw a horde of Crusaders to the middle-east, or western armies to Afghanistan or Iraq. But they have chosen over history to continue to try to conquer ad subjugate peaceful people. And such people have every right to defend themselves from such aggression.

Not everyone recognizes this threat. But I do. And so will anyone who looks into the texts and history.

As for your attempt to seditiously claim that, 'Fear not the men who _may_ try to attack USA. They can perhaps knock down a building and kill people, but they do not threaten the people and government of USA,' nice try. Islam desires and threatens to overthrow the government of this country and replace the Constitution with Sharia law. Hence any Muslim is a threat to this country because he cannot in good conscience submit to laws 'by man' and instead must desire that "all is Allah's'.

The you said, 'A greater threat to USA comes from frightened people in USA who seem to have lost confidence in USA as one nation.' You are correct. And you have just described the liberal, baboon mentality. It is true that Islam and liberalism both are a threat to this country; hence the focus of this blog. Their ideologies work together. Osama Bin Laden clearly understood this. They are this nation's weakness. But though they are loud, they are not the majority. We also have strength, which bin Laden has grossly underestimated. (by the way, where is Mr. bin Laden these days?? Why is he hiding out like the coward he is? Some hero.) And this strength need not threaten, for on the day you push us past the line, you will know full well our strength if you are a savage Muslim yourself.

You said, 'It is not treason to disagree, no matter how disagreeable one's terms are.' True; but it is treasonous to attempt to overthrow the Constitution and replace it with Sharia law. And a Muslim must work to this end or else he is not a quran-abiding Muslim. You cannot deny that, it is in your texts. Furthermore, you will never succeed. Our will and our strength is something you have no comprehension of; all you see is our weakness (the liberal mindset, media, whining, etc.) But as a conservative American, I know full-well our strength and know MANY, MANY people who are conservatively quiet, not bellicose like loud-mouthed liberals, and live in quiet strength. Islam has no concept of this element. Yet. But they will.

You said, 'The law is here to protect all the people. The courts (as in the OP) work to protect all.' But on the day that the law identifies Islam for the aggressive, supremacist threat that it is, and outlaws it to 'protect the people,' what hole are you going to crawl into then?

RightHooks said...

"SmackPack"??? Ha Ha. Oh, you are a gem...

Ema Nymton said...



"...You said, 'The law is here to protect all the people. The courts (as in the OP) work to protect all.' But on the day that the law identifies Islam for the aggressive, supremacist threat that it is, and outlaws it to 'protect the people,' what hole are you going to crawl into then?"

You will not have to look too far. You will find me standing _for_ the Constitution along with the other _REAL_ Americans who know our greatness comes from working together for the benefit of all.


Let me get this straight. Using the bible to defend the invasion of another land _against_ Muslims is ok. Muslims using the quran (your spelling) to defend against an invasion of another land is not ok. I admit I am lost trying to follow your line of reasoning and your logic.


""SmackPack"??? Ha Ha. Oh, you are a gem..." I like you too.

Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...


You said, "You will find me standing _for_ the Constitution along with the other _REAL_ Americans who know our greatness comes from working together for the benefit of all." How does killing Americans and seeking to supplant the Constitution with Sharia Law work for the 'benefit of all?' How does the destruction of the family as evidenced in the homosexual agenda benefit all? How does abortion, another shining example of baboon ideology, benefit all? Either stand for what is a benefit for all or crawl back into that hole.

You said, "Let me get this straight. Using the bible to defend the invasion of another land _against_ Muslims is ok. Muslims using the quran (your spelling) to defend against an invasion of another land is not ok." I did not use the Bible to defend invading another land. I said that if Muslims attack a people in an attempt to further their hate-cult, that the country which is attacked has every right to take the fight back to the home turf of the Muslims and pound the chili out of them. Why should the Muslims' own people be exempt from the consequences of the Muslims own actions? Nay, the second decree from my lips when I get to be dictator will be that for every American that gets killed by a Muslim terrorist, we arc-light a Muslim town in Saudi or wherever the particular terrorist group hails from. Thus we would bring the fight to the people who started it, and perhaps a Muslim might learn to be responsible and accountable, for a change, and not, say, try to conquer everything and everybody like they have been doing since 700 A.D. If you do not see that this is madness, then you are right when you said, "I admit I am lost..."

Ema Nymton said...


Breath taking.

"...dictator will be that for every American that gets killed by a Muslim terrorist, we arc-light a Muslim town in Saudi or wherever the particular terrorist group hails from. Thus we would bring the fight to the people who started it, and perhaps a Muslim might learn to be responsible and accountable, ..."

Your president is currently trying to follow your idea. (Of course shrub, your president, has really fouled your idea up by attacking Iraq (where the attackers did _not_ come from) instead of attacking his business partners in Saudi Arabia.) But what the heck. By your writings one can come to believe that you see all Muslims as the same.

Of course, your blood lust to attack innocent peace loving people who had nothing to do with any acts of aggression, does not really help you. The Germans tried the same ideas in Europe in the 1940's and ended up losing everything. Does Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City Bombing mean that USA could attack the people of his home town too?

Amazing ...


RightHooks said...


You said, "(Of course shrub, your president, has really fouled your idea up by attacking Iraq (where the attackers did _not_ come from) instead of attacking his business partners in Saudi Arabia.)" Iraq is a different issue...tell me this, did Sadaam NOT sign a cease-fire AGREEMENT with General Schwartzkopf to save his own skin in 1991? Then did Sadaam NOT VIOLATE this same cease-fire AGREEMENT when he kicked out wmd inspectors, among other things? Therefore he VIOLATED the cease-fire AGREEMENT and was therefore eligible to get pounded. The fact that hordes of Muslim morons from around the middle east have flocked to the battlefield to stand in front of US forces to get their heads split open or die other kinds of horrible, fiery deaths is simply icing on the cake. Who's got the blood-lust? Am I sending these Muslim savages to the war zone, or does their qu-ran tell them to go? And if their qu'ran tells them to go kill Americans then it is a threat to the people of this country and will be outlawed. After all, killing Americans is not 'what's best for all,' Americans now is it? And, you said, "your president shrub"..."YOUR" president??? Careful, your colors are starting to American who supposedly values the Constitution would not say, "your president"...I see you.

You said, "Of course, your blood lust to attack innocent peace loving people who had nothing to do with any acts of aggression, does not really help you. The Germans tried the same ideas in Europe in the 1940's and ended up losing everything. Does Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City Bombing mean that USA could attack the people of his home town too?" You've got Germany on the wrong foot. Germany, you remember, was trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, exactly like Islam. They were AGGRESSORS, exactly like Islam is and has always been; not 'innocent, peace-loving people'. What a joke!!! Timothy McVeigh's actions were murderous exactly like Mohammed teaches all his followers to take part in....and you don't even want to get me started quoting surahs out of the quran or your rich history of murder, violence and aggression. Once a few towns are arc-lighted, perhaps it will act as a deterrence for those 'peace-loving people' who, by the way, are brain-washed believers in satan renamed allah. There is no promise of comfort or protection when one adheres to a wicked lie or also hates Israel...check your Old Testament where the God of Israel says to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." Not my fault your 'peace-loving people' might get to the leaders who obey satan/allah, teach others to obey satan/allah because satan/mohammed taught them in his book the quran to hate Israel and the God of Israel. Not my problem. Sin and unbelief are never fun or easy. A leader's actions always bring things upon a people, that is why there is such great responsibility on leadership. Muslim leaders actions will bring fury on the heads of the Muslim people. Not my fault.

Ema Nymton said...


The joke is on you.

Ah, the ‘It is not my fault’ line of gibberish. You support your president’s sending Americans to make a war of aggression for oil but then say it is not your fault innocent, peace loving people are killed or maimed.

“... Once a few towns are arc-lighted, ...” making war on civilians simply because they are Muslims is no difference than making war on civilians because they are Jews. Yours is a philosophy that has been discredited by every dictator who has ever tried to terrorize others into submission. The results are always the same, you will lose.

As for the Old Testament, where one can find permission to kill, commit incest and every other form of criminal behavior I say, “No thank you.” I am a Christian, following the messages of Christ. May I suggest you try reading the New Testament?


Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...


Not sure where to start, you handed me so much ammunition...

You said, "You support your president’s sending Americans to make a war of aggression for oil but then say it is not your fault innocent, peace loving people are killed or maimed." So it's about oil, is it? So just how many oil fields have Americans seized in Iraq since we went in to spank your buddy, Sadaam? And what was the price of oil in 2003? Ya, sure, it was all about the oil. That is a tired, worn out and weary baboon whine that pretty much fizzled out because it never panned out. As for the 'innocent, peace-loving people killed or maimed,' would you please compare the rules of engagement between US forces and terrorists? Is it US forces who are deliberately killing Iraqi civilians or is it FELLOW MUSLIMS who are deliberately killing innocents? Not only does the Muslim terrorist target civilians because his warped, savage, barbaric, murdering mind (and his satanic leaders and satanic texts tell him to as well)but they routinely initiate assaults from occupied civilian areas! Yes, these COWARDS use OTHER humans as shields. Do they care about the innocent men, women and children? Absolutely NOT! What kind of beast would stand behind a child and shoot at US Marines? You see (well, it is obvious that you don't) this is clearly WRONG. You CANNOT DENY that this is wrong. The ONLY person who would think that this is right would be another murdering Muslim...once again, your colors are showing.

Also, it is obvious that you don't learn nuthin...because you said, "making war on civilians simply because they are Muslims is no difference than making war on civilians because they are Jews." Dude, the Muslim war on the Jews is a war of aggression. The Muslim's war on the world (Islamic: 'House of War')is a war of aggression. If Muslim civilians get killed because Muslims' own actions bring the wrath of power into the country, the blood is on MUSLIMS' hands, not on those who are turning back an aggressor (you know, like Sadaam invading Kuwait which brought the US to the middle east...was his trip south NOT aggression????)And it seems pretty clear that you too would have scruples about killing Jews, which shows what side of the fence you are really on...

Also, you said, "Yours is a philosophy that has been discredited by every dictator who has ever tried to terrorize others into submission. The results are always the same, you will lose." Dictator...terrorize into submission...yeah, you just described Sadaam, Islam, Achmidinapencil-neck, Nasarallah, any Ayatollah, the Taliban, Osama, etc. for THEY are the ones attempting to terrorize others into submission. And you are right...they WILL lose.

Finally, you said, "As for the Old Testament, where one can find permission to kill, commit incest and every other form of criminal behavior I say, “No thank you.” I am a Christian, following the messages of Christ. May I suggest you try reading the New Testament?" Ha Ha Ha. That is hilarious! Ema, you ain't a Christian any more than my dog is a Christian (but you both do have some strong similarities...) (that was a good one, wasn't it?). The reason why is obvious to me but oblivious to you and exposes you as the pretender you are. And I'm not even going to hand it to you to educate you in your sedition.

Are we having fun yet?

RightHooks said...

[the above should say :'no scruples' instead of just: 'scruples'. There is no way to edit comments in Blogger.]

Ema Nymton said...


“... having fun yet?” You bet! I come here for the laughs. Great laughs too.

Dude, I am writing about you. You claim to be superior to others because you read the old testament in the bible, find hatred and advocate death to non-believers; much like those _Muslims_. Heck, dude it is almost impossible to tell you apart from those you hate.

Dude, _you_ are saying you are not responsible. Everyone else is to blame for your preaching death destruction and terror.


Get this straight, USA invaded Iraq because Iraq has oil. The corporations used the military for the ultimate hostile corporate take-over. The people of USA were used and you, your family and your future generations will be paying for it forever. (And I bet you didn’t even get kissed while they phucked you.) Chump.

But hey, you know this any way.


Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...


Yeah, there are laughs here alright.

You said, "Dude, I am writing about you. You claim to be superior to others because you read the old testament in the bible, find hatred and advocate death to non-believers; much like those _Muslims_. Heck, dude it is almost impossible to tell you apart from those you hate. Dude, _you_ are saying you are not responsible. Everyone else is to blame for your preaching death destruction and terror. " Where have I claimed to be superior to anyone?? Didn't happen because that's not what I think. Because I am unwilling to lie down and let invading supremacist Muslims walk in and kill my family does not mean I hate or preach terror. You are extremely mistaken. If you would open your eyes so that a single glint of light could get in, you would see that Islam is the aggressor and is a very real, mortal enemy. If you are a Muslim, you know this. If you are a liberal, you are blind to this and you and your family will be the first ones shafted when they come to your community. They have declared WAR on us...I did not declare war on them. I did not hit buildings with jets on 911. You can say what you want but Islam HAS declared war on the United States of America. All I am saying is here is how to win that war. This is not my idea, but given that an enemy wants my family dead, well, I am in full support of preventing that from happening, no matter what it takes.

You said, "Get this straight, USA invaded Iraq because Iraq has oil. The corporations used the military for the ultimate hostile corporate take-over. The people of USA were used and you, your family and your future generations will be paying for it forever." Oh, so you are such an incredibly intelligent creature that you can say that the US went into Iraq for the oil and thus it is so, right? You were in on the planning meetings. You know the motives inside the leaders. You can read a man's soul. Gee, Emma, you are one amazing foreign or domestic enemy of the US Constitution, you are. You must want the US out of Iraq for a pretty good reason...I wonder why that is? You must want to get shafted by Islam; either that or you live to do the shafting. Because your line of insanity most certainly works to enable or strengthen the enemy and weaken the much for your supposed 'support' for the US Constitution, huh? You can't hide, Ema.

You said, "(And I bet you didn’t even get kissed while they xxxxxxx you.) Chump." Ha Ha. And here you said you were a 'Christian, following the messages of Christ.' I told you you were an impostor. Your own words just proved it and now everybody can see what you are all about. I must be getting to you because you are cracking, tipping your own hand.

It's been real...

Ema Nymton said...


You advocate "...arc-light a Muslim town ..." when USA is attacked. Does this also apply to towns in USA that are predominately Muslim like in Michigan?

Though I do not agree with your positions nor your solutions to perceived threats, I do _not_ see you as an enemy.

You say I am an enemy. What makes me your enemy?


RightHooks said...


What about towns like Muslim towns in Michigan? Well, like I said, when it's my turn to be dictator, we will not arc-light towns in the USA because we won't have to. Islam will be outlawed...made illegal as an ideology that is hostile to the US Constitution. So violators of this law will be imprisoned or deported back to the countries where their loyalties really lie. Of course this is most likely Saudi Arabia, home of Mohammed, Mecca Medina, etc. There's plenty of room inside Mecca. Maybe a mass air-drop of these traitors from about 30,000 feet over Mecca...with parachutes, of course, compliments of Uncle Sam, oughta do the trick.

But knowing the mentality of Muslims, take the 'angry French youth' riots in France as an example, as soon as this law is passed, they will riot and try to physically take over in this country. And that is when they will finally be introduced to the TRUE American. Bubba in the country, Homeboy in the city, Vatto in the west and Joe Schmoe everywhere else will teach these Muslims what the American spirit is all about. Then Abdul will be BEGGING to find a plane out of the country, if he lives that long.

You said, "Though I do not agree with your positions nor your solutions to perceived threats, I do _not_ see you as an enemy.You say I am an enemy. What makes me your enemy?"

I don't know, Ema, ARE you my enemy? Perhaps you can tell me this, which of Abraham's children received Abraham's blessing, a.) Ishmael or b.) Isaac?

Ema Nymton said...


Wow. You do have a solution.

"...introduced to the TRUE American. Bubba in the country, Homeboy in the city, Vatto in the west and Joe Schmoe everywhere else will teach these Muslims what the American spirit is all about. ..."

What makes you think 'Bubba,' 'Homeboy,' 'Vatto,' and 'Shmoe,' will be willing to join you on your holy jihad against America and its Constitution?

"...Abraham ..?" Was he that jabroni who went out one day without a hat, got son-stroke, and tried to kill his son? Is this the same Abraham, who when his son got away from him alive, then said 'voices in his head' told him to kill his son?

Or are you talking about the Abraham who was shot in Ford's theater in Washington D.C.?

Just asking,


RightHooks said...


The fact that you tried to sidestep the question reveals you colors once and for all. Once again, evasion is your specialty. I guess the more appropriate question to you should be this: who is the successor to Mohammed, Abu or Ali??

To my great delight, you said, "What makes you think 'Bubba,' 'Homeboy,' 'Vatto,' and 'Shmoe,' will be willing to join you on your holy jihad against America and its Constitution?" First of all, the assumption that such a fight is a 'holy jihad' and would be 'against America and the Constitution' is totally wrong; the fight would be an American fight against a Muslim physical uprising in this country as I described in my last post. Why you seem to be unable to read plain English is a mystery to me, but the point is that what I was referring to a true American response to a Muslim uprising in the States. The reason I am pleased is because your response also demonstrates that you are ignorant to this fiber of the American people that you are totally unaware of!! Ha Ha. And the joke will be on the Muslims who decide to flex their perpetually-angry little muscle in the form of a physical uprising in this country and will have, once again, over-estimated their puny power and grossly underestimated the power, nature and true character of the American people. Yes the joke will be on them. Because if you did not get what I said about the various people-groups confronting Islam, it proves that you simply don't get it...Ha Ha. Go ahead, start your Muslim rioting. See where that gets you.

So let's see if you can answer the question I asked in this comment seeing that you were unable to answer any of my other questions...who is the successor to Mohammed, Abu or Ali?????

Ema Nymton said...


Mohammad Ali? Was he the boxer who changed his name from Cassius Clay and beat up all the others because he was able to use his head and not just his muscles?

You really do not have to be afraid. The only people who seem to be advocating uprisings in this country are the extreme right wing super patriotic fruitcakes.

The Constitution is here to protect you.


RightHooks said...


Of course, another side-step to avoid answering a question. Once again, your non-answer speaks wayyy louder than your lame and weak answer.

You said, "You really do not have to be afraid." Ha. Ha. Ha!!! You're right, and I'm not. Why would a cowardly, conniving, murderous, hateful little Muslim make me afraid? Now he would like to think that he is so terrifying that we are all shuddering in our boots back here, but again, he misunderstands the true core of the American, he overestimates his puny power, and he underestimates what bad things could happen to his hating little self. No, Muslims don't scare me. And frankly, it's not the Americans that should be scared....

Then you said, "The only people who seem to be advocating uprisings in this country are the extreme right wing super patriotic fruitcakes." So you call right wing patriots 'fruitcakes', huh? Why? Because they stand up for the Constitution? Jeez, you just can't hide your colors, can you? No matter how hard you try, what you are comes out anyway.

Finally, you said, "The Constitution is here to protect you." But that's not the only thing that does.

So let's give it another try, "who is the successor to Mohammed, Abu or Ali?????" If you are a Muslim coward, you won't answer the question.