Friday, May 2, 2008

Hamas Caught in Another Lie

Hamas has once again demonstrated to the world its true colors.

After the mother and four small children were tragically killed last week when an Israeli air strike attacked several terrorists prowling the streets and neighborhoods of Gaza, the outcry by the muslim community was that Israel had killed an innocent family.

Israel maintained that the ordinance used in the air strike did not kill the family, rather, explosives that were being carried by the terrorists blew up in secondary explosions and were therefore responsible for the deaths of those inside the family's house.

Of course, Hamas got to chime in with it's obligatory litany against the Jewish state's perpetual evilness. Hamas then declared that Palestinian gunmen were not operating near the home of the unfortunate family.

And now Israel's military has released drone video footage from that very attack. Either there are zombies walking the city streets in Gaza at night or there were Palestinian soldiers operating right next to the home of the deceased mother and her children. As a matter of fact the video shows exactly what Israel had claimed.

The video, therefore, totally discredits Hamas' claim and once again shows that Hamas has no interest, relationship, perception, concept or practice involving the truth. We may, therefore, assume that whatever comes out of its poison mouth will be nothing more than myth, fairy tale and manipulation.

1 comment:

Ema Nymton said...


One should believe the presented video why? Is it not a possibility the video was doctored?

Israel admits its military fired on the zombies but does not accept responsibility for the subsequent consequences of the military actions. Now that is parsing the sentence.

Ema Nymton
