Thursday, March 25, 2010

Obama Bullies Israel, Backs Off Iran

In yet another perverse and audacious demonstration as to why B. Hussein Obama might be running for Anti-Christ, he has once again punished our friends and assisted our enemies.

When Obama couldn't twist the Prime Minister of Israel's arm hard enough for a written commitment to restrict building, Obama WALKED out of their meeting in the White House, leaving the Israeli delegation sitting there all by themselves.

Yes, that's right, B. Hussein O. is beating up Israel our ally, about a plan to build 20 homes while at the same time is backing off on hard sanctions for Iran, our enemy, who is building a nuclear bomb which to use on Israel and/or the United States.

Let me repeat; Obama is punishing our allies for building 20 homes, while he ignores and backs off sanctions for our enemy who is building a nuclear arsenal to destroy us.

Look at that irony.

Look at that hypocrisy.

Look what God says about those who turn their back on Israel: "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

There is simply no way to justify this madness in foreign policy.

Unless one actually hates Israel, like all the Arab nations do. Perhaps the closet-Muslim inside Obama just couldn't stand not getting over on the Israeli delegation because he HATES them just as much as he HATES Americans.


Read the whole story here.

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