Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama Admits He's a Muslim


Ema Nymton said...


Good stretch. Too bad you lose.

What makes a person a Christian? Mr Obama is a Christian, he says he is, and he goes to church.

I am a Jewish, Muslim and Christian because I say I am.

Beyond being a hater, what are you?


Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...

Yeah, maybe it's a stretch...but maybe it isn't. A little Freudian slip, perhaps?

After all, what a Muslim says does not have to be the truth, does it? Does 'taquia' mean anything to you?

And yes, I am a hater of 911 and the evil that inspired it. I hate everything about the ideas behind it because it is murderous totalitarianism; nothing less. And I will speak out about it until I draw my last breath because Islam is pure evil.

Have a nice day.

Ema Nymton said...


Go forth and hate. Hate will get you no where and your sweetheart Mrs Palin will build you a bridge with lipstick on it.


RightHooks said...

C'mon, Ema, you can do better than that...that was hardly a worthy insult.

But answer me this: Was 911 evil or was it not?

Ema Nymton said...


The attacks on USA which have become known as "911" were a good publicity stunt success. The attacks themselves were utter failures.

Evil? I doubt the attacks qualify as evil, the attacks were tools.

Except for killing the thousands of people who died in the senseless attacks, the attackers had no real objectives and no means of following up the attacks. The USA, the government of USA, and the vast number of people of USA were never at risk by the attacks or the attackers.

When compared to the evil that has been unleashed on the many other innocents in the world who had nothing to do with '911,' is it safe to say '911' was evil? Is it evil to scream for revenge attacks against innocent people who have done you no harm?

Your blog is a mirror image of the haters on the other side who want jihad against USA. You even use the same language and words, and excuse your hate and blood-lust in the same way they do.

Evil begins by the calling for killing people. Evil continues as long as people kill each other for political gain. Evil is never alone.


Ema Nymton


RightHooks said...

Ema, please pardon my delay in responding. Though I was able to read your comment, I was not able to get back to you until now.

That being said, your statements were intelligently written. However, they are revealing.

Your failure to declare 911 as 'evil' says a lot.

The way you glossed over the 3000 victims (and thus, their thousands of corollary family members)by saying 'except for ' [them]... is not right.

Then you go on to infer that evil has been committed by the USA on people (you mean Muslims) since 911, that this is the real evil of 911. Of course, if you were thinking correctly, you would be able to see that bin Laden himself is responsible for unleashing the wrath of the US on Muslim fighters, and thus, Muslim civilians because brave Muslim fighters hide behind women and children and use them as shields in Muslim homes. Bin Laden did this by his foolish attacks of 911. Put the buck where it belongs: right on bin Laden's shoulders. He called down the wrath of the USA on all his fellow Muslim fighters' heads. We didn't start it, he did. If you expect us to just take it and not fight back, you know nothing about true Americans. If you want Muslim civilians to be protected, tell the cowardly fighters to stop wearing women's clothes, hiding behind children, and get out in the open and fight like men. A group of AQ eating in your hut? Guess what, it's going to go boom. Don't have them in your house and you won't be in such a situation.

Then you said this blog was a mirror image of haters on the other side, that [we both] use the same language and words. Which begs the question, how do you know the language of the other side and what their words are...? Gotcha. Three is a difference between being offensive and defensive. We were ATTACKED. You started an OFFENSIVE against us. We are now acting in DEFENSE of our country. So you cannot compare those 'haters' on the other side with we who have been thrust into a self-preservation/protection mode by the OFFENSIVE actions by others. There is such a thing as indignation. Though you personally feel no sense of indignation at 911, unfortunately for bin Laden's Muslim fighters and friends, the 200 million people with the the most powerful weapons in the history of the planet do feel indignation, and justly so. In a normal world and sense, one would therefore call bin Laden's actions 'stupid'. I can not argue with that. But to call those who see the threat of an enemy who has attacked us and stated their commitment to the overthrow of our country 'haters,' is inaccurate.

If you see a bear with her cubs across the field is she any threat to you? Likely not. If you are a bear hater and go over by her and kill her cub, is the momma bear a threat to you then? You bet she is. Is she a threat because she is a 'hater'? Or because you were stupid enough to attack her world first?

Doesn't get any plainer than that.

Anonymous said...

packsmack if you think barack obama is a muslim then i don't think we can be friends anymore haha. that's absolutely absurd.

Anonymous said...

to call islam evil is bigoted. did you know that a group of fundamentalist christians recently gassed a mosque in ohio (luckily, no one was killed, but they did harm a group of small children who were in the room closest to the source of the gas). does that mean all christians are evil? no. does that mean christianity is evil? no. it means that violent extremists of all religions are evil.